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The Battle of the Pelenor Field.

You had no idea how you actually managed to survive that.

You hadn't slept for almost three nights now, and would have fallen to sleep like a log in the middle of battle if it were not because of the surge of adrenaline and a sheer will to live to power you up all night to fight.

Hell, you weren't even a good fight–those crash course you got from Aragorn and Legolas back in Rivendell, which felt like a long time ago, did not really count for a proper training. But then again, everyone that was able must fight. War left no options.

In this, you were grateful, knowing that surviving was a gift when many didn't had such luxury.

The last of that orc that you run your sword with seemed to be the last one, for the others had ran away, or met with our blade. You rubbed your heavy eyes several times when you see green smoke like figures chasing the orcs–hell, either that was the army of The Dead, or you were about to drop dead soon with exhaustion.

Someone put their hand on your left shoulder. Your instinct kicked in, and with renewed adrenaline you swung your right arm that was holding the elven sword, aiming to decapitate another orcs, only to find your movement had been skillfully blocked. That hand that was resting on your left shoulder had moved to your right neck, locking your neck in a dead lock. You grunted  as your head tilted up and you panicked, knowing that with your attacker strength, he could easily snap your neck and killed you in an instant.

However, you found that after he disarmed you, that quick, merciful death never came. Instead, he you felt his breath on your neck, a sultry, silky voice teased you with the most beautiful language you have ever heard.

"Have you forgotten my touch that quickly, little one, that you mistake me as an orc?" the elf with voice dripping like honey taunted you huskily in your ear. Your panic quickly subdued, and in the mist of your relief, you managed to reply him with as much as sass that you could pull.

"I'm sorry. But you smell like one."

Legolas chuckled lowly in your ear. His right hand stayed locking on your right wrist as he brought both your right arms to wrap around your belly. The elf sweetly kissed your right cheek as you completely stood locked within his arms. It was hot, but between your sleep depravity and the dull pounding of your head due to the blow you sustained earlier in the battle, you only managed a soft reply.

"I can't breathe."

That seemed to kill whatever mood you both were in, unfortunately. The elf prince quickly released you. You breathed deeply this time, turning to him on a wobbly feet but he soon steady you with his hands.

"I am sorry–"

You silenced him with a deep, relieved kiss before pulling a bit to rest your head on his shoulder. He pulled you away from him and put his hands on both sides of your cheek, studying you. A look of wistfulness and a hidden worry lurked in his electric blue eyes.

"You're bleeding."

"What do you expect, it's a battle."

Legolas seemed like he wanted to argue but held himself back. Smart elf; you were usually cranky when you are sleep deprived.

"My heart gladdens to find you in my arms again, at least," he said with a soft smile.

"Me too. You know what will gladden my heart more?"

Legolas hummed, smiling in response to you copying his word. "A bath and a sleep."

"I am at your disposal, my lady," he replied lowly.

Legolas & You (Reader x Legolas Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now