60 - Oswald Mosley

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"Happy Birthday Pol" Isaiah greets kissing her cheek, as the family met up at Charlies yard, "we know you didnt want a present but here" Charlotte says handing her a bottle of gin.

"The train to London leaves in an hour, Arthur, Lottie, Michael, you're coming with me." Tommy says handing Charlie a cigarette, which Isaiah lights for her, before lighting his own.

"Tommy, i've got to take Gina to the hospital today" Michael replies.

"A week ago, one of our most trusted men was killed by Jimmy McCavern. The man we're going to speak to in London is establishing a relationship with Jimmy McCavern. So, cancel your appointments, and Ada can take Gina to the hospital. And clean that shit of your shoes before you get in my car, eh?" Tommy says.

"Michael, they will give it and give it, until your case is proven, and then they'll take it. From you, but mainly from me" Polly tells him.

"Polly, you go to the hospital, speak to Aberama Gold. You tell him there is a strategy in place to avenge the death of his son, so not to do anything rash. And take with you the heartfelt condolences of the whole family." Tommy instructs.

"Why me?" Polly questions, "because Aberama Gold is in love with you, even got a haircut. And the smell of your perfume might help ease his pain." Tommy replies.

"Thomas, Im 45 today." Polly says, "45 years old and still breaking hearts, eh?" Charlotte jokes.

"To Pol" Arthur says raising his glass, "happy birthday Pol" they all add toasting to the family Matriarch.

"Curly, organise a wagon to take Bonnie Golds soul to heaven. Isaiah, Diego, go to the gym get all his stuff to burn with his body. Michael, turn the Bentley round, we have a train to catch," Tommy commands.

"Yes, come on, little Mike." Charlie teases, unfaltered by the look she's given by her cousin and aunt. "Let us go get our train."


The three siblings and their cousin strode up the stairs of Westminster, heading for Thomas' office. "So, what's the strategy?" Michael asks.

"You can smile." Tommy says pointing at Michael, "and you... don't smile." He says, turning to Arthur.

"What about Charlie?" Michael queries.

"I'll just be my adorable little self." Charlie says, giving him a sarcastic smile. "Not the words I used." Tommy says.

"Right. Be happy but not too happy, smile a bit but not a lot, and have a look of boredom that is covered by my not big, not small smile." Charlotte replies, mocking her brothers words by giving him a massive grin. "That looks really creepy." Tommy mumbles, entering his office, holding the door open for Charlie and then letting go when it was Arthur walking through the door.

"Nice. Very nice, Tom." Arthur says.

"It's very....you." Charlie comments, taking in the large amount of horse memorabilia in the office.

"Michael, you sit. Arthur, you stand by the window." Tommy commands, sitting behind his desk.

"And Charlie?" Michael inquires. "Has already been briefed on what I've got to do. Don't you worry about me lil' Mike." Charlotte replies, patting his head, making Arthur chuckle from across the room.

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