63 - Return of the bodies

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"Well this all a big fucking mess isn't it?" Charlotte laughs as she shoves her way through a massive crowd rioting outside Bingley Hall.

Once inside she heads down the corridor where she was meant to meet the others, "you do realise there was a side door." Tommy states.

"Where's the fun in that?" Charlotte shrugs.

"You know what you have to do?" Tommy asks, and she nods, "yeah, I'll go check in with Aberama, and then I'll find Barney."

"Good, this is our one fucking chance. It can't go wrong." Tommy sighs, and she places a calming hand on his shoulder, "I know, Tommo, lets go do your fucking plan."

"Be safe, under no circumstances are you allowed to die." Tommy warns her.

"You don't know me at all, takes a lot to kill me Tommo, now fuck off you soppy prick." Charlotte teases, grinning at him, fiddling with her knife as she leisurely strides away towards where she knew Aberama was stationed.

"Abe" Charlie says pulling him to one side, "Lion? You aint meant to be down here" Aberama replies.

"Is everything in place? We can't afford to screw up" Charlotte says and he nods, giving her a thumbs up, "yeah, very clear instructions, crazy man up top is going to shoot a couple of inches away from your brother."

"Exactly, I'm going to go check on him now. Tom will be on stage, but Barney won't have received the signal yet." Charlie tells him.

"Stay safe little one, think Polly might murder us all if anything happens to you," Aberama whispers as they separate, him weaving through a crowd to the side of the stage.

Charlotte navigated her way through the private passageways of the building until she entered a room with a ladder that lead to the floor Barney was on.

She hauled herself onto the platform, then strode down a couple more corridors, climbing through a window, landing on her feet down the corridor from Barney, who was looking through a small viewing point where she saw Tommy lifting his pocket watch.

She began the countdown in her head, but when she got to 6, a man appeared behind Barney, before she could stop him he'd shot him in the back of the head.

Her hand was resting on her switchblade as she rushed over to him, stabbing the perpetrator in the jugular his blood squirting all over her, as she shoved him a couple of meters away so she could take a look at Barney.

She realised the countdown was done and everyone that knew of the plan was waiting for Mosley to be shot.

Peaking through the window she saw Mosley leading Tommy off stage, there was chaos down below, a brutal all for all fight had broken out.

"You can't run." A voice speaks from beside her, and she felt the barrel of a gun being pressed to the side of her head.

"Oh, I don't need to." Charlotte responds, her knife firmly in her hand as she slashed across the top of his knees, knocking the gun out of his hand, and snapping his wrist.

He was groaning in agony, and the sound was pissing her off, so she retrieved her gun from its holster, pointing it at him and pulling the trigger.

"Why do people always assume I need to run away from them?" Charlotte mumbles.

She couldn't take Barneys body with her, she'd send someone to collect it, so as much as she hated to, she walked away, going back through the window, along the corridors, and down the ladder, into a room where Tommy, Arthur and Johnny Doggs were stood.

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