chapter two

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"I can't believe she finally agreed to sign over custody of your siblings",my friend Beth says.

" I Know,you know her she loves money,I hope she leaves and never comes back",I say.

" You must really hate her don't you?",she asks me .

" More than you can imagine",I say ,I do hate her but again it's complicated, I hate her but worry wh en she disappears for days.

"So today is Friday and since you're not working at the club,how about you come with me to a party and make some extra cash",she says,I don't know the way she's smiling isn't sitting well with me but after buying Lucas a phone and giving Mom that money so she can sign the papers, I'm kinda broke.

"Don't give me that look,the pay is great,trust me",she says"oh please Nithia come with me",she pleads.

" Okay yay,we are going to have so much fun,I heard there will be a lot of rich people,who knows you might land yourself a sugar daddy",she says and I roll my eyes.

" Eyy get back to work the two of you",Mr Jaing says and we continue with the dishes. The afternoon passes like a blur and it's time to knock off ,I send a text to my brother and tell him that I'll be a little late and they can have some sandwiches.

"Hurry up Nithia",I didn't come with my scooter because Beth picked me up, riding with Beth is something I don't wish for because she drives like she has nine lives.

"Can you drive slowly for once",I say as I buckle my seatbelt, safety first, and I don't want to die "you want me to drive at an old mans pace when we're already late",she says and starts the car.

After driving for some time we park at a very famous night club called Neon Sky , it's so hard to get into this club "Beth are you sure they'll let us in ?", .

" Of course et me call my cousin,she works as an assistant for the guy hosting the party",she says and takes out her phone to call her cousin. Her cousin is down in five minutes and ushers us inside.

The party is in full swing and there are women serving drinks in lingerie,wait what "what the hell Beth!",I say as I tug at her hand.

" Relax Nithia nothing bad will happen",she says and I continue looking around and I see a guy snoot some white powder off a barely dressed woman's boobs and most of the men have guns. What the hell is this ,this is not my type of party.

Beth's cousin leads us to the locker room and gives each of us keys, and tells us to hurry up "Bethany what the hell,they are people with guns and there are drugs here",I say.

" Nithia relax I know you're mad ,but think of it $5000, isn't an amount you come across freely these days,you need it for your brothers and yourself",she says and holds my face in her hands,I do need the money,all I need to do is serve right what could go wrong.

"Okay fine but we're not doing this again "I say.

" That's it girl",she says and we quickly change. The red lingerie I'm wearing barely covers anything and  my tits are spilling out. I look at the heels and sigh I wonder how I'll manage to walk in this monsters.

Beth already did my makeup before coming here so itsyjust a matter of retouching.

"Hurry up girls you're serving at the VIP section", Beth's cousin says and Beth can't contain her excitement.

"I swear to God Beth if any creep grabs me I'll bite his hands off",I say and she just rolls her eyes. We enter the elevator and reach the VIP section and she directs us to the bar, Beth gets her tray but I'm given the task of serving the men sitting at a secluded area, there are about five men smoking cigars, drinking with naked women on their laps. So I push the little cart with the drinks and head to where they are sitted. Just as I reach closer I stop in my tracks. Oh no it can't be.

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