chapter twenty eight

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The next day Anna and Chocho were fired ,I tried reasoning with Leonardo but he can be as ruthless as Giovanni,I really felt bad it's not their fault they thought just like me that ,the mansion is the safest place I can be, Giovanni has been calling me almost every hour,he couldn't leave his work.

I got a new bodyguard and some sought of personal assistant named Olivia,a cute timid girl a few years older than me atleast she's not like Anna and doesn't boss me around.

Giovanni said I could go anywhere I felt like as long as I took my new bodyguard Fabio and Olivia with me. Today I want to go and see Mason ,I got the name of his new school from Leonardo.

Mason just like me loves fast cars it's one thing we both understand better,so I'm sure he'll be exitherated taking a rid with me,I don't mind getting a ticket Giovanni has money he can pay for it and. for the first time in a long time I'll have fun with my brother, I'll take him for ice cream and then we'll go to the new desert shore that I saw when we went shopping.

I grab my car keys and put on a conference face because I don't want anyone to question me,he said I could go out but not to see my brother for that I had to ask him but I'll just act naive.

I get in the car and Olivia is riding with Fabio in the one that's following behind me. I reach the school and the kids are already out so I quickly park and walk into the school.

"Nithia!",a little angelic voice yells and Mason dashing into my arms."Whyare you crying?",he says and wipes my tears.

" Oh Mason, I'm just excited to see you again",I say and hug him tight.

" Did you come and pick me up?",he asks and I nod my head yes,he yells excitedly and as I lead him to the car I inform his teacher that I'll be taking him.

"I only knew that Federico had a sister and seeing you I can't doubt the resemblance especially your eyes",she says we have honey comb eyes that sparkle like gold in the sun my dad would tell us. Federico? Lydia has really lost it,I wanted to correct the teacher but I really didn't have time for this I had to get him before she got here.

We went to get ice cream and Mason made fun of me for just picking one flavour. He has grown taller and put on a little weight starting to look like boys his age and I can tell he is really happy he won't stop talking about the things he does with Lydia and has me getting jealous. I want my brothers back ,I want us to be like how we used to ,yes we were struggling but we still had each other and were happy,I miss the close relationship I had with them, it's only been 8 months but feels like forever.

We had ice cream got some deserts and now I was heading home with him, Lydia can come and get him if she wants but I'm not sending him back. He chatted about his piano lessons and he even had a horse now. I hated that he was having fun and I wasn't included in the memories he was making.

"Do you want me to give you a piggy back ride?",I ask I always used to carry him that way.

"I'm too grown for that because how will the servants see me ",he says and hand Olivia his bag, leaving me shocked.

Maybe he is grown,I brush it off but as soon as I get into the house a loud smack is heard leaving my cheek stinging with pain.

"Don't you ever get my son without telling me you hear me! don't ever come anywhere close to him", Lydia says and raises her hand to hit me again but is stopped by Leonardo.

"Lydia enough,she is his sister and has every right to see him if she wants to",he says

" And I am his mother!",she says and turns to Mason " Federico don't ever leave me",she sobs.

" You're not his mother and stop calling him that you psychopath, you're crazy you need help to fix some of the loose crews in your head!",I yell and grab Mason by the arm." I won't let you fill his head with your loony thoughts!".

" Nithia! please don't talk to my mother that way, it's our fault that her son is dead so we must make it up to her",Mason finally speaking up.

" Mason what the hell are you saying, listen to me,it's not our fault we had nothing to do with it",but he snatches his arm away from me.

"Lydia isn't as bad as you think,she loves me like mom never did,I love her too",he says and comforts a hysterical Lydia.

"What about me Mason?",I finally ask.

"I love you I always will and please call me Federico I don't want Lydia to be upset",he says and grabs Lydia bybthe hand and they walk away, I've never felt so much pain I never thought he'd mature in such a short period of time , Lydia has completely brain washed him and filled his head with all soughts of nonsense.

I held on for so long for my brothers and now it seems the only one that doesn't want to move on is me.

"Nithia" Leonardo says.

"Please leave me alone",I say and walk up the stairs slowly first Lucas now Mason too.

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