Chapter fifty six

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"Nithia took care of me and Lucas after our dad died,our mother didn't care much for us and after she blew the last of the little we had left , Nithia stopped going to school so she could work and so me and Lucas could go to school,she is the best sister in the world",he said and looked at his hands.

Tears welled up in my eyes and I couldn't stop them from falling. I really thought he wasn't going to say anything good.

"Mason , Nithia spoke of the time the two of you ran away and went back to your old apartment care to explain what happened?",

" Nithia said we were going to play a game of his and seek with Giovanni but at the end it was going to be just me ,her and. Lucas like it always was"

" What happened after Giovanni finally found the two of you?",

" Nithia started crying,she didn't want to go back and I moved in with Lydia,I never saw her for some time after that",he says, taking a deep breath like he does when he wants to stop himself from crying.

"Do you remember what happened the day when Mr Salvatore came back from the hospital?"

" Objection your honor!"Giovanni's lawyer said.

" Overruled,you may proceed Mrs George"

Mason looked at Lucas and Lydia and kept looking at his hands "don't be scared Mason ,look at your sister it is important that you tell us what happened",she gently said trying to coax him.

" We decorated the new house we where staying at ,after that Olivia and Nithia went upstairs, when I saw the car pull through the drive way Flavio asked me to go and call Nithia and I went upstairs and over heard her saying that she was pregnant, I didn't get time to process it before she asked me to keep it a secret to later surprise Giovanni, so we walked down stairs and waited for them to enter, but when my sister got close to Giovanni he wrapped his hand around her neck and began strangling her",

" Objection! ",

" Overruled! ".

"  Do you want to stay with your sister?"

" Yes I want to stay with Lydia too",he says, Lydia? What's with my siblings' love for the Salvatore's,I look at Mercelo but he tells me to come down.

"Why? Do want to stay with Lydia?",

"She is my mother and she will be sad if I leave",

" She is not your mother Mason!",I get up from my seat , I'm just anxious, Lydia and Giovanni are taking advantage of their trauma and need for security a family provides ,yes that's must be why otherwise my brothers wouldn't pick them over me.

"Order!",the judge bellowed.

"Your , honor that is all thank you",she said and turned to smile to Mason after she whispered for me to be calm" that is all Mason, thank you, you did a great job".

" I'd like to call Mr Lucas Kent to the witness box",she proceeded.

Lucas got up from his seat and after being sweared in he took his seat.

"Mind if I call you Lucas",she asks


"No I don't",he said.

"Okay Lucas,I want you to tell me what you feel after knowing that Nithia didn't cheat on Giovanni that she unlike you mother didn't cheat on her partner?",she asks. This is Lucas' sore spot,I can't imagine how he felt seeing mom with others men that weren't our dad.

"I don't want to talk about it".

"Do you feel guilty?".

" I said I don't want to talk about it",

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