Chapter twenty four

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Giovanni's side of the bed was empty and cold showing that he woke up a long time ago,I get up and quickly take a shower and change into the sundress I'm sure Giovanni laid out for me, I want to leave the room as fast as possible because I keep getting flashes of last night.

As soon as I am done I walk down the stairs and as soon as I reach downstairs,so thing shatters and breaks.

"Fuck!,when I get back I'll get rid of you fools",he yells at his phone.

I see the news on the TV and the reporter is talking about an arms shipment that they intacepted, Giovanni calls another person and I don't understand a thing he's saying because all my attention is on the TV and then Edward's face is shown he was the one that was leading the operation.

"Cazzo a bunch of unless bastards, listen to me Flavio take care of all the men arrested!",he says and hungs up,he turns off the TV and walks towards me,he lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist and we just stay there. My heart is beating so fast, because he might take it out on me.

"Are you hungry?",he asks.

"Yes and he leads us to the table with me still in his arms and gently places me in a chair.

Seeing all the delicious food makes my stomach growl, and at his signal I start eating,I can see that he is trying his best not to blow up and I just sit there quietly.

"You can walk around but you're not allowed to leave the premises with me or a guard",he says.

I've been waiting for the right opportunity to ask him to let me speak to my brothers tomorrow is Dad's death anniversary.

"Say it",he draws me out of my thoughts.

" Can I speak to my brothers tomorrow"

"Sure only if you behave well dollface",he says and smiles.

" Thank you",I whisper and continue with my food.

After having breakfast I change and head out to the beach just behind the house,this place is a paradise my brothers would have loved it here,I think of going for a swim but I change my mind I'm not wearing anything under the dress, Giovanni didn't give me any.

"We need to head back",Bone says interrupting me from enjoying my view.

We head back and as soon as I enter I'm pulled into someone's embrace making me drop as the cool rocks and shells I picked up to show my brothers during our video call.

"Did you have fun?",he whispers fanning me with his hot breath "I'm having a bad day",he says making me stiffen.

" You can now talk to your brothers",he says and leads me to the study leaving a maid to pick up the rocks.

I sit at his desk and my brothers were already on the call "what took you so long",Lucas complains,I can see how much his changed in appearance and character.

"Nithia!",a sweet voice chimes.


" I told you not to call me that",he pouts.

" Can we wrap this up I have things to do",Lucas says again.

" Lucas how have you been, how's London",I say and I can't stop tears from falling.

"Don't cry Nithia",Mason says.

"Mason and you how have you been",

"Great, Lydia has been teaching me how to play the piano,she says I'll grow up to be a man of great skills."Federico honey I told you not to throw your toys around" I hear Lydia say. Mason I mutter under my breath.

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