Chapter Fifty five

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I lightly touch my now visible bump as we drive to the courthouse, I'm now six months pregnant,we had a DNA test and the babies turned out to be Giovanni's which I was very sure of,the doctor said I'm having twins,I was so happy I couldn't contain my emotions I can't wait to see my babies.

My children, brothers and myself will be happy together, if I win this case against Giovanni then I can prove that he is unfit to be a father and I can keep my children with me without worrying about him taking them away from me and the way things are going I may not be able to win this but I have faith in my lawyer.

Yesterday was Giovanni's own cross-examination and we tried our best to show everyone how violent he can get but he kept his composure all throughout the trial.

The divorce battle between me and Giovanni has dragged on for so long,many people feel I'm after his money but it's the least I deserve for why he has put me through, it's the least Mason and Lucas deserve for having to fall from Grace to grass growing up,so what people say doesn't phase me.

Apart from the insults and trash they throw outside the house they think I'm living in with Mercelo, everything is okay Mercelo and James have been working against the clock to try and find evidence that Giovanni is involved in the murders of Mercelo's dad and my mom.

I'm filing for divorce on the basis of mental and physical abuse I suffered in the marriage. As soon as we arrive journalists surround the car we're in trying to get a statement from me.

Leonardo is a fugitive and I'm painted as the lover he left behind. Everyone is saying he left me with nothing that is why I'm filing for divorce,but I don't care. All I want is to see my brothers. Giovanni won't let me see them. I don't even know where they are .

I can't believe the guy I once thought I was having feelings for is a cold hearted killer, I knew he was crazy but I didn't think he would kill so many innocent people.

Mercelo helps me out of the car and we walk into the building,he was suspended because Giovanni accused me and him of having an affair so the DEA had no choice but to take away his badge.

As soon as I enter I see Lucas talking on the phone but as soon as he sees me ,he hangs up and proceeds to go back inside.

"Lucas!"I'm happy to see him after such a long time and ignore Mercelo's warnings to be careful,I grab him by the hand and he impatiently turns to look at me.

Mason walks out and just hugs me "I miss you so much Mason",I whisper and kiss his forehead.

"Don't worry I'll get you and Mason back so Giovanni won't be able to hurt us ,it will go back to the way it used to,you ,me , Mason and your niece and nephew", I say putting his hand on my belly.

" You're the one who's hurting us, Giovanni said he is willing to forgive that you cheated on him with Leo,all he wants is to be a family with all of us",he says like he is trying to reason with me.

" You also think I cheated with Leo?",

"Of course,it was you in those pictures, I've grown up with you, I'd recognize you anywhere,the birthmark on your right shoulder showed ,it was you!",

" She said she didn't do it,then she didn't do it!"Mason defends me.

" Yes I know it was me but Leo...Leo dragged me Lucas I swear he did,you have to believe me",

" Nithia there are servants that are willing to testify, saying they saw the flirtatious gestures between you two and ,the camera at the house shows you and Leo getting into the house together hand in hand, even kissing at the door",he gritts.

" What video?"I ask but before he could answer Giovanni walks out to call them back inside.

He and I lock eyes and as usual he doesn't say anything,he hasn't spoken to me since the time at the police station even after the DNA tests were out his lawyer is the one that came to pick them up.

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