The Day After Tomorrow

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            Falling in love with your best friend is never a good thing. Especially when you have to watch her in someone else’s arms, or when you are there for her at her worst, while she’s crying over her broken heart.
Feeling jealous when she tells you how her date went, wincing from the pain that you weren’t the one who made her smile earlier that day. Percy was used to it. To the feeling, he got when seeing his best friend’s eyes shine through the endless night. He was used with the midnight knock on his door, behind which was a tired Annabeth who deserved everything the world could hold. He was used to ignoring his feelings. But somehow, they couldn’t behold back anymore.

It first started as a tiny crush, which for Percy seemed just like an over-sympathy for his best friend, nothing more, but with time it became more, way more.

    He noticed everything about her. How her long blond curls fell on her shoulders, or how her gray eyes changed their color depending on her mood. How the sunlight played with her little nose freckles. How her little laugh warmed every part of his body. It made him realize how beautiful she was. For real, without even trying a little.

    He had known her for years, five years to be exact, but inside his heart, he knew they were meant to cross their ways since the day they were born. Until now, Annabeth was curled next to Percy, with her head on his shoulder, as they were watching “5 feet apart” for the billionth time.

    She sniffled a little, it was the part when Poe died. She always cried there, but Percy didn’t mind holding her while she whispered that she didn’t want her to lose him. He didn’t mind her peeking at his cheek while it was all over, he didn’t mind the familiar heartbeat that skipped a little when Annabeth was close to him. Therefore, he wasn’t sure how he was alive at that point.
Maybe at the end of the movie, Annabeth’s phone went off, and Beethoven was blasting through the sound of the movie. Percy quickly paused it as Annabeth answered.   She nodded with the person on her phone, while her cheeks got warm and dry. After some seconds she finally hung up and smiled shyly at him.

    “My parents are out of town,” Annabeth said while biting her lip.

    A smile grew on Percy’s face, while the blonde watched him with a confused look like he was some kind of psycho. “Then, we’re having a sleepover!” he said

    “Well, if you insist. It’s not that cool hanging out inside your empty house, with only the walls listening to you, after all” his smile grew a little wider, as he got up and threw some comfy clothes towards her. His favorite basketball shorts and a gray hoodie. Annabeth rolled her eyes, seeing how happy Percy was, but he couldn’t help the grin. He always wanted to have a proper sleepover without the others around, just them.


Somehow… Percy was wrong about the ‘fun’ part he thought this sleepover was. After hopping into his clothes, Annabeth said it was time for him to study, to which he responded by rolling his eyes so hard “Yes, mother”

    “You’re failing your calculus, you little-” she almost yelled “Hop in, we’re going to take that B, even if the world would be colliding” she pointed to his bed. Anything could be learned in bed, but not Calculus, but he didn’t dare to think that out loud.

    “Why are we doing this again? '' he murmured an hour later. Annabeth was an excellent tutor, but that didn’t make it any easier for him to focus on the problems written on the sheets, and not Annabeth. She always had this habit of biting her bottom lip as she concentrated on finding the solution. Her curls fell forward and she always tried to make them stay behind, but eventually, failed.

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