when we used to be in love

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*A/n- the parts that are written in italics are also flashbacks, so don't get confused if you do.*

"Hey, I know it's been some time since we last spoke, but I was thinking today that we should try to keep in touch a bit more, don't let all the friendship and respect we had towards each other die that fast and fade away, don't you think? I understand if it must seem uncomfortable to you, I really do, but I guess we all deserve to give ourselves another chance…" there was a long pause before the voicemail started again "and I want to play that card this time, I want to believe something may still click. I know you're busy and stuff, life is a mess, but try to hit me up okay? I'd appreciate that all this effort of me finding the courage to actually call you won't go to the trash can. Even if it does, I hope you'll have a good life, with or without me. I just miss the times when we used to be in love. Sometimes, I just miss you…" there was a long beep beep sound that made me realize that the message ended and I quickly saved it, probably to listen to it again, willing that I wasn't dreaming.

I slowly sat back on my leather couch, my muscles relaxing for the first time that day. The moment I closed my eyes, all I could think about was her. Her voice echoing around, her whispering my name, and her kissing me slowly. Her soft gray eyes looking at me, her lips forming a small smile.

Then my thoughts lost control, and the most sudden moment that reminded me of her was now taking over my body. I just let that dream hypnotize me, making that moment heal my heart once again.


Don’t tell me you’re afraid you’ll lose the staring contest with me, Seaweed Brain.” the blonde in front of me let out a chuckle.
I rolled my eyes and positioned myself in front of her. I held back a smirk when I saw her take a deep breath. “Bring it on”
We locked eyes and in less than whatever is the smallest amount of time, I got lost in them. Somehow they made me feel like I was in heaven. So high that even if I fell I could never reach the land. Then my heart skipped a beat as I saw her eyes soften a little. Suddenly I felt like crying too. It was like I was reading her life, and she was reading mine. But we were just thinking about each other knowing those hidden times, those forbidden thoughts, that left us both with tears in our eyes. Watching her cry was painful, that I promised to myself I’ll never make her cry. I tilted my head to the right a little and smiled at her, she did too. Out of nowhere, we started laughing like two maniacs, never breaking our stare, probably making our friends think we need therapy. Then we fell quiet, no one moving. We just stared at each other, until I said the stupidest yet true thing that left us both shocked.
“I think I’m falling in love with you.”
I was falling in love with Annabeth Chase.

*end of flashback*

I sat straight up, overwhelmed because I missed her. After all those months, I missed her and I wanted her next to me again, ranting about life and smiling with me. I wanted the nights with her, the scenes with her, the red carpets next to her. I just wanted to feel alive. To feel her.

But that was just a stupid emotion, wasn’t it?
We broke up. After so many years together, so many tattoos inking inside our veins, so many songs and so many lines, we thought there was no more chemistry between us. Why was she calling me now?


“I think it's best for us to break this relationship here,”  she said with tears in her eyes, and my anger rose and fell and destroyed everything I’ve tried to save those past years.

I nodded slowly. “We live in different states because of my new role. I understand,” I said as calmly as I could, but I was sure she felt the anger in my voice. I wished I could tell her that I wasn’t mad that she wanted to break up. I was mad at myself for leaving her alone and for not loving her enough.

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