5 Feet Apart

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(A/N) this one shot it's based on 5 feet Apart, and it was hell of pain to write it, I hope you enjoy


“Safety, security, comfort, all in the gentle caress of a finger. Or the brush of lips on a soft cheek. It connects us when we're happy, bolsters us in times of fear, excites us in times of passion and love. We need that touch from the one we love, almost as much as we need air to breathe. I never understood the importance of touch. His touch, until I couldn’t have it”


“Hello world, my lung function is down to 35% now. People with cystic fibrosis aren’t supposed to get within six feet. Because we could end up touching each-others bacteria,” Annabeth explained to the camera in front of her. She showed her live stream how her perfectly organized treatment was going. Everything is placed in its place and how the next months would be like for her.

“Barb it’s here!” she exclaimed and showed her favorite human being, also her nurse Barbara.

“Get that camera away from my face,” Barbara said as Annabeth laughed. She helped Annabeth with her medicines as Annabeth paused her records. After Barbara explained her new treatment Annabeth stopped in front of her mother’s last drawing. Lungs are represented with a tree, with different flowers, stars around.

“What would I do without you?” Annabeth sat back as Barb helped her with her thick tubes.

“You’d die” she answered as they laughed with the hurtful truth.


Annabeth walked towards her window and took a look outside. A young couple was laughing and kissing, not aware that Annabeth never actually felt what they were feeling. She rolled her eyes and went back to her desk, looking around for any possible mess.

She decided she’d walk to the newborn baby’s room, where she always went just to clear her mind, from all of those bad thoughts.

In the room maybe halfway the corridor she saw the same couple, now begging someone who had his back from her, to leave them his room, or something she couldn’t make out from her intense urge to roll her eyes. The person laughed and agreed, placing his hand on the back of his neck and slowly walking backward. Annabeth dragged herself away and made her way to the place she was going.


“You followed me here?” Annabeth said annoyedly, glancing at the tall black-haired boy in front of her, yet somehow her confidence drowned when she looked into his eyes. Sea-green.

“I wanted to introduce myself since I’m moving in too,” he said

She somehow got the urge to punch him while they had some interesting conversations.

“Let me guess, you’re that guy that ignores to follow the rules, cuz that makes you in control. Am I right?” she said
“You’re not wrong”

“You think that’s cute?” she said and laid in the glass in her right

“Do you think that’s cute?” he asked and lowered his body a little, maybe closing the long-distance in something like 5 feet.
“Six feet apart, you know the rules” Barbara entered the door and glared at the boy. He left without a word but didn’t mind putting on his sarcastic smirk. The nurse narrowed her eyes at Annabeth “What do you think you’re doing, Annabeth? You know you’re not supposed to get closer than the distance with other people with CF”

“He has CF as well?” she asked

“Percy Jackson, CF, known for not having a  clear and organized, as it should be, treatment. He’s a threat for you and your lungs, Annabeth. Are you going to waste all our work, your work for years? Just for a boy?” Barb said

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