An Olympic Date

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“Flight attendants, prepare for landing, please. We have officially made it to Tokyo,” the captain of the airplane said and I glanced outside my window. I made it. I thought as the plane touched the ground. A smile made its way on my face and I felt the proud ‘me’ moment. I looked at my team and coach, all ready for our new adventure. Ready to be Olympians.


After a long wait in the airport and then a five hours drive, we finally made it to the Olympic Village. Some of the staff greeted our bus towards the entrance. Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath, I felt alive once again. When we finally made it to the flag street I glanced at all those countries’ symbols we were competing with.

Somehow it made me feel weak and powerful at the same time. We were there with the reason of being the best in our counties, but just good in the eyes of the world. We were playing against the world's greatest players.

"No matter how hard it might look, it's never impossible. And I, Annabeth Chase, will show that to everyone."


“...and that is an entertainment center, where you can hang out after your games. Without breaking any of the rules of course.” our guide told us. She had already explained to us almost everything, showed us around the village, and answered all of our questions.

After taking all my information I placed my headphones on and blasted my Spotify playlist as if I was the main character. We walked back to our building and went to our fellow rooms, finally breathing the air and relaxing. By this time my head was only focusing on the playing song “American Idiot”.

“And that is Annabeth staying on her ‘No talk to me mode’ ladies, gents, and non-binary folks,” my roommate said as the song ended leaving its place to another one. I just rolled my eyes at her and her camera. She was probably filming a Tik Tok like half of the people I knew in this competition were doing. Then she started showing some of the kits that were given to us and talking, so yep, I called it. Say Hi Tik Tok.

I closed my eyes and was ready to get some sleep since the other day was the opening ceremony. I needed to be full of stamina for the start.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, which I ignored until it forcefully shook my body and I snapped my eyes open.

"What" I shot and looked over at my teammate, the one with the TikTok, who was smiling at me.

"So I found a really hot guy from the American team," she said and I rolled my eyes while getting up.

"I've told you a thousand times, McLean, no boy is going to run after you if they're part of your imagination or don't even know you exist, said and grabbed my bottle of water from the mini table.

"About that," she smiled, and sat beside me, "he actually found me first, and commented on my new TikTok video,"

I groaned and looked over her phone to see the person that apparently was real. He was one of the rugby players for America. She started showing me his posted videos and telling me that while I was asleep, which was the highlight of the day. She talked with him and even exchanged numbers.

As she was scrolling through his account, she stopped by the recent video that was of him and a boy that was too damn attractive to even exist. They were cracking jokes and vlogging.

"That's not a way to open a bottle of water, Percy," the blonde one said, aka Piper's crush. The black-haired one, whose name was Percy, was opening the bottle with his chin and arm like he couldn't use his hands. He just rolled his eyes and kept trying to open the thing his way. That part ended and was greeted by them in their bedroom studying the cardboard beds as if they were from another universe.

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