The Three Railway Engines

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Once upon a time, there was a little engine called Edward.

Edward lives in the sheds of Vicarstown, along with five other engines. He is the oldest of them all, but is smaller and not as strong as them.

"Morning..." Said the red engine groggily, who was next to him.

"Oh, good morning!" Edward perked up "I don't know why, but I feel full of energy today! Like I can do a job with coaches and freight cars at the same time!"

"Pah." The big blue engine scoffed. "You're old and worn out. There's no way they will pick you to work today."

Edward felt sad, and almost a bit offended.

"Hah, Gordon's right, tiny." The dimmer blue medium one snapped. "I'm surprised they haven't scrapped you yet!"

"Stop it, Alfred!" Snapped Edward. "I am old... b-but I'm still useful!"

Gordon and Alfred just laughed, but Edward just ignored them and just hoped that he would be picked to work.

But about a half hour went by with nothing happening.

"Maybe Gordon really is right..." Edward whispered to himself. A small tear started to well up in his eye.

But about a minute later.

"Excuse me, are you Edward?" Said a man's voice.

Edward looked over, and much to his surprise, there were two men in overalls, one with dark yellow hair, one with brown hair.

"Why... yes! I am Edward!" Edward replied cheerfully.

"Pleasure to meet you!" Said the man with blonde hair. "I'm Charlie, and this is my pal, Sidney. We've been assigned to be your permanent driver and fireman!"

"W-wait, you have?" Replied Edward in slight surprise. "We only have a few crews and they pick and choose us."

"Well at least YOU won't have to worry about that anymore!" Said the brown haired man. "We'll be with you from now on!"

Edward's tear splashed away and he flashed a great big smile.

"You have the most unsettling smile I've ever seen." Remarked Gordon.

But Edward just ignored him.

"Would you like to come out today?" Asked his driver. "There's plenty of work to be done."

"Oh yes please!" Edward exclaimed. "Thank you, driver!"

So the fireman climbed into Edward's cab, and he tossed some planks of wood into Edward's firebox, and then ignited the wood with a long reach lighter.

Edward's driver then grabbed a hose from a water tower next to the sheds. He opened the cap to Edward's boiler and tried to get the hose into the cap, but was having trouble.

"Hey, Sid, little help here?" He said.

Edward's fireman came out of the cab and helped the driver with the hose, then they filled Edward's boiler with water.

Once Edward's boiler was full, the fireman went back to the cab and saw the wood was burning well, to which he grabbed a shovel and took some coal from Edward's tender, and scooped them into his firebox.

Once the fire began to roar and the water in his boiler started to bubble, the fireman closed the metal hatchway. Edward felt the steam going through his dome, and then to his pistons.

"The fire is burning great." Said the fireman who was on his knees.

"Good." Replied the driver. "Don't put your head in it."

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