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Leafy lied down on the scratched up floor of a small room

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Leafy lied down on the scratched up floor of a small room. She stared at the flickering light that hung above her at the center of the room, it would swing a bit at every flicker. The walls around her had drawings, the marks seemed to have crawled down the wall a bit before it dried up, many even had claw marks over them. The bed that sat at the corner of the room had a thin blanket on it, with a pillow that had cloth pieces missing, revealing a yellow piece of sponge inside it. A chest covered in paint with a small sign barely hanging on in front of it, "keep your happiness high!", the sign read.

The door opened.

Leafy flinched as the bright light from the open door entered the dim lit room. A figure stood at the entrance. "Are you done being depressed in here?", Tree asked with a slightly irritated look. Leafy stood up, "Ah, I was more just waiting for someone to open the door.", she said with a happy tone in her voice as she dusted herself off. "Oh, right I forgot you can't open your own room door anymore. Good thing I didn't forget about you here.", Tree let out a light chuckle. Leafy laughed a bit as well as she took a step forward. She winced when a sharp pain stung through her leg. "Not used to the new legs yet?", Tree asked. Leafy winced again as she moved her other leg forward, "I'll be fine, it's not that bad anyways.", she said. Tree shrugged as he waited for Leafy to leave her room. "So, what's on the schedule today?", Leafy asked as she clasped her hands. "So far we just need to take these boxes to collect the food supply for this week.", Tree said, picking up an empty box. Leafy picked up a box as well, "And then?", she asked as she followed Tree. "Not sure, they'll probably check on how your leg is doing, but I heard from some others that there's a new worker here today. So, we may not do much.", Tree stated as he walked across the room. Leafy seemed a bit uneasy.

Grassy ran up to them with pure joy in his eyes, "Leafy!!", he said with excitement. Leafy placed down the box and lifted Grassy up, "Hey Grassy! How are you this morning?", she asked. "Grassy was given clay!", he said. Leafy placed him into the box and carried the box once again, following Tree once more, "That's great to hear! Did you make anything with it?", she asked. "Yeah!! Grassy made a beetle!", Grassy said enthusiastically as he showed Leafy a bunch of grey clay put together with pencils sticking out of the sides. "Aww it's really cute, you did great!", Leafy said happily. This made Grassy giggle.

Leafy smiled as Grassy played with the clay more. Suddenly she lightly bumped into Tree, "That sure is a lot of blood.", Tree said as he looked at the blood that was splattered all over the hallway. The blood seemed fresh as some of it was still running down the walls and glistening. "Maybe we should get the doctors.", Tree suggested. "We could just go the other way, the blood looks too fresh and we'll most likely be wasting their time.", Leafy said. Tree seemed confused as he looked at Leafy, "You're scared they'll blame you?", he asked. Leafy didn't respond, but she seemed even more uneasy. Tree sighed, "Let's go the other way.", he said as he started walking back. Leafy looked at the blood a bit longer before following him. Grassy frowned as he sat in the box, "This place isn't nice.", he said as he made eyes for the beetle. "I know Grassy.. We'll get out of here soon though, I'll make sure of it.", Leafy said with a reassuring smile. Grassy smiled as well, "Leafy, please don't drag Grassy into the mess you're already in, he's just a kid.", Tree said. "Yeah, a kid who shouldn't be locked up in this prison and get used as some lab rat.", Leafy whispered towards Tree, trying to not let Grassy hear. "But do you want him to end up even more locked up? Be unable to do things just because the doctors think he'll try to escape?", Tree stopped walking, which caused Leafy to stop as well. She looked at Grassy who seemed half asleep, "I know you want him to get out of here. But it's too dangerous for him and for you too, you're on thin ice with those doctors, no one here wants you to get deleted. We all want to escape, it's just not the right time.", Tree said.

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