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Document 040. Subject Termination

Subjects in all categories are required to have theSe devices.

Any subject found without A device is to be terminated on sight.

(Request security for this action if you are not a scieNtist at a level higher than 3)

If you were not told the dIfferent categories by anyone then read through Document 045.

(Only if you are higher Than level 3)

Control Bracelets

These are one of the few devices worn bY subjects.

Only categories G, I, and M need to wear these, due to subjects havIng a mixed variety of matter.

These bracelets are to be put on each Subject's wrists.

If this is a subject without arms then put it on their anKles.

If the subject is much stronger than average subjects, then put these bracelets on both their wrists and anklEs if possible.

If the subject has neither legs nor arms then continue to read through the document.

These bracelets are used to terminate the subject by using a substance that kills the subject in a slow but painless waY.

(This is to avoid sanity loss)

Symptoms shown by those who are injected with this substance include:


Slowed breathing

Lack of mobility

Slowed heart rate

(Any other symptoms depends on the subject this is injected into)

Consequence Devices

These Devices are used for category C and a selected few from other categories.

Completely different from the bracelets, these can be put on any type of subject.

This device causes an implOsion in the subject's heart.

Symptoms shown by those who are terminated with this device iNclude:

Pain Shock

Complete loss of mobility

(No other symptoms are known)

Control Necklaces

These are used for category P and no other category is allowed to wear These.

If ever worn by a subject in any other category, please remove it from them immediately and repLace the device with one that they are required to wear.

Due to category P having the strongest subjects in it, they require an immense amount of pain to either stun them Or distract them.

These devices do not terminate the subject but if used on any other category then they will leave an immense loSs in sanity for the subject it's used on.

The Control Necklaces use Electric shock and deadly snake venoms.

The followIng symptoms are found in subjects that have these devices used on them:

Blood Loss


Blood Clots

Heart Attack

Locked Joints


Skin Loss

(These symptoms change depending on subject but these are the mosT common)

[This does NOT terminate category P subjects; simply leave the area when this device is used!]

End of Document


Control Bracelets 2.0

These bracelets are used just like the original Control Bracelets but have different symptoms.

Expected to be used on categories G, I, and M when more information is found about them and how it damages the subject both physically and mentally.

These bracelets are meant to create fear and loss of sanity.

Yes, loss of sanity is highly against our rules but we are reaching an end to what we can experiment about.

Loss of sanity and fear is required to test new things and get the results we NEED.

Currently these bracelets are worn by subject L-1 in category G.

One of the most troublesome subject but may be one of the most useful after these are used.

The bracelets use a mixed venom that is injected into the subject.

Due to being a mixture, symptoms are unknown.

However, possible symptoms if not canceled out nor modified may include:

Locked Muscles

Locked Joints

Change in Blood thickness

Skin Loss

Heart Attack


Lack sense of Smell and Taste


Pain Shock

Burning Feeling Throughout the Body

(These are only possible symptoms and will most definitely change)

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