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   I had entered the city gates of liyue harbor and was looking for Morax, to my misfortune he wasn't at his work, nor at his house so I was left confused and tired.

night had began to fall, it being around seven in the late afternoon so I was headed towards a nearby inn to stay the night.

as I rounded the corner, the ground began to shake and water started pouring from the sky, as I looked up into the distance as huge monster arose from the ocean. 

in the next moment I saw a platform appear next to floating building 

"WHAT IN THE NAME OF CELESTIA"  I screamed as a powerful surge of adeptal engery emitted from the sky, just how many adepti were there?

The more I looked at themonster the more my eyes widened, this was Osaial a god that Morax had defeated in the archon war. How could this be? Wasn't he dead?

Where was Morax at this hour, god damn him.

I lept up onto the roofs of the harbor and pulled out an anemo vision from my bag.

"Lucky I store all of these things in here" I said to myself as I flew up to the platform.

When I reached the floating building, I saw a blond and multiple others fighting......fatui agents? 

In that moment I was engulfed in rage, was she trying to start a war again? This was upright unacceptable.

I hid behind a small pillar in hopes that I wouldn't be spotted. if I had made any sort of commotion and had made any problems for anyone, who would know what the gods would do to me, I shivered at the thought despite my anger.

I punched my hand into my pouch shuffling around for something. as I did I heard a shriek from behind me. a purple girl with pigtails had been cut strait across the cheek, I felt that was my sign to move faster

after a bit more shuffling I found what I needed

"aha, there it is"

I said quietly to myself as I lulled out a tiny trinketed probably the size of a small mouse, I rolled it onto the platform as it exploded. this would boost their attack power for just a while as I couldn't make too much of a commotion, the next part was to sit there and hope I wasn't caught.


As the building exploded and fell from the sky the least I could do was prevent everyone from falling. I pulled out a dendro vision and magic vines exploded out of it, wrapping themselfs around the people who where falling.

In the process I noticed Alatus in the midst of it, he was so far from me that the only thing I could do was wrap more vines around him, almost covering him completely. 

Oh how I had missed him, as my conciseness faded as we came closer and closer to hitting the ground, I closed my eyes completely passing out.

sorry I have been busy with school I'll try to post more.

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