Arc one end arc two start: The eternity that memories hold

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                      the streets where the most busy I had seen them in a long while people shouting advertisements, children running around here and there delicious food smell wavering in front of my face

Although I mustn't stay long...

I strided past the food, the children, and that one blond boy with the floating thing that slightly one

As the edge of the city and sea grew in my sights, I stepped off the road and headed across the sandy beach only lit of the distant street lights and moon...


A boat..

The light splashing of water could be heard. A soft golden glow seeped into the water illuminating from a small paper lantern only to be held down by the hands of a maiden

As the lantern was freed from her grasp she felt the strange sensation of being seen by someone...yet there was no one around to see her

The splashing of water continued..and was to dark to see or hear anything, in fact the colors of the sky seemed to fade away from the world itself and soon enough it all melted away..


'Asmoday! Asmoday! Wake...ake up! is mother's birthday!'

The child sat strait up looking at her sister as if it were the best day in the world

'Really?!...' She threw her hands up in the air before both she and her sister decided to race to breakfast


The rattling of plates could be heard on a tray as the maid came in holding the tray of Sweet looking adeptus temptation, mother's favorite dish of course 

'oh dear! Get back here you haven't bathed yet!' The sound of thumping footsteps came down the hall

'MOTHER, FATHER! Look what we found in the garden!' Both girls squealed in unison 

Hands covered in dirt and what seemed like tree sap they presented fourth a pulsating chess piece.

'the tree grew another one!' The girl named Asmoday laughed as the huffing elderly maid finally made it to the sleeping quarters.

' oh dear me look at the state of you Asmoday and you too Celes' she said rather cross

The both girls giggled as the maid escorted them out of the room to go bathe...

'Dear me Perses what will they ever do when they try to take on a family' the woman in the bed smiled at her half awake husband

'Asteria they will be fine, they are children' the man grumbled sitting up from the bed


'Look at all the muck you have gotten yourselves into this time, what a mess... you know how important today is, her majesty will welcome a new resident of the gods and one adeptal servant for him, the afterwards she will hold a banquet in honor of the new arrivalee and her birthday. What a mess what a mess' the old woman complained as she poured water to the top of both girl's heads as they played with all sorts of bath toys

A while later during lunch the family had discussed who shall be chosen for the opened spot of a god and his servant...

'NOW WE WILL WELCOME THE NEW SERVER OF TEYVAT' the announcer spoke on the voice enhancer 

'Every year a new comrade come to join us in our journey to reach our goal of peace in this land and other the other worlds ahead of us' the noble woman spoke as her husband and children stood behind her

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