
178 11 13

Song: Legacy - Motionless in White

"I'm going to ask you something and you HAVE to answer me truthfully no matter what, alright?"

"No, I'm not pregnant." I sigh.

"Not what I was going to ask, but good to know... Elydia, are you using opium?"

I blink a few times to try to decide if I'd really heard him ask me that. I have definitely never involved myself with opium unless it was taking down someone involved in the trade. His expression shifts slightly when I tell him no and a moment later he starts checking my pulse and presses his other hand to my forehead.

"You swear you aren't using?" He asks.

"I'm pretty sure I can tell if I am putting drugs in my body."

"What about Threil?"

"What about him?"

"You're going through opium withdrawal. If you aren't using it yourself, that means he's been dosing you. Did he ever give you anything regularly, like after a job?"

"He would let me have a glass of rum with him, but that's about it." Obi sighs softly and my heart drops. "Threil was dosing me with the rum... wasn't he?"

"I'm sorry but it appears that way. If he sent you on jobs on a very frequent basis my guess is that he may have done it to keep you from feeling any injuries so you won't fail. That's the nicest reason I could come up with, so we'll pretend that's what it was so I don't immediately leave and go shove him face first into a pit of fire."

"Am I going to die?"

"You'll feel like you're going to, but you won't. I'll do what I can to help you through it but it'll be a rough day or two."

"I just have a stomach bug or something, there's no way I'm addicted to opium." I grumble before dry heaving.

"Yeah, you can tell yourself that..."

Obi helped peel me off the floor a few hours later when I finally stopped dry heaving. I couldn't get to my feet on my own so I unfortunately had to be carried into the bedroom and it felt so incredibly awkward and embarrassing. He left me to make soup two hours ago and I haven't heard anything from him. Maybe he was murdered and I'm next. If it's an improvement on how I feel right now, I'd accept it with open arms. Perhaps I should go check on him. That seems like the reasonable and friendly thing to do, but how the hell am I supposed to get to the kitchen when I can barely lift my arms? Screw it, I'll make it work. I slowly sit up and swing my legs over the side of the bed but as soon as I try to stand, my legs give out and I crash to the floor. Great. Fantastic. This is my life now. I'm dying of drug withdrawals and I'm stuck in the floor with a dead body in the next room. If I don't die before the body starts to decompose the smell is going to be absolutely disgusting. Why is my life an unrelenting onslaught of annoyances?

"Elydia, what are you doing in the floor?"

"Oh, you're alive. I'm surprised." I reply as I shift enough to be able to breath from the floor.

"I have concerns on why you thought I was dead?"

"You went to make soup two hours ago so I was coming to check on you but it seems my body has betrayed me."

"I've only been gone for fifteen minutes." He chuckles and I hear him move further into the room. "The soup is ready by the way."

"Wonderful. I shall take my meal on the floor, as this is my life now."

"You are so dramatic. That's adorable."

I'm picked up with ease and laid over his shoulder. The motion sends the world swimming but it's not too bad.

"I think I would like to die now. You have killed my remaining will to live." I sigh. "I was an assassin to be feared and now I'm dying of drug withdrawals and am now 'adorable'. Please toss me off the nearest cliff."

"I'd rather not. I mean, I went through an awful lot to save you, remember?"

Obi lets me down once we get to the kitchen and he helps me settle in a chair. We start to eat in silence but I notice his gaze lingering on the ring again. I don't understand his fascination with it.



"You're staring at my ring again. Care to explain?"

"It's nothing."

"Judging by how you're staring at it, that's a lie, so tell me. What's up with it?"

"Do you remember anything at all from your past before Threil?"

"No, not really, why?"

"That symbol on the ring, it's my family's seal."

I arch a brow at the different things it could mean. "What?"

"You're not my sibling or anything like that."

"So, then what does it mean?"


"Quit lying."


"Obi- wait, what did you just call me?"

"Elydia. That's all I said."

"You called me Els."

"It was a slip of the tongue."

"The only person that ever called me that was... Len."

I stare at Obi... Len... whoever this dark haired man is as we sit in silence. He choked on his drink after I mentioned the name Len and we haven't spoken since. Could it have really been a slip of the tongue or was it something more? I have no idea. I can't remember anything to find out for sure. This is ridiculous... I'm thankful to be away from Threil but maybe I would've been been better off to have kept my mouth shut and stayed with him. Then again Threil was drugging and abusing me... I am definitely rethinking my death by cliff.

"Who are you?" I ask quietly. "Who are you really?"

"My name is... was... Len back when you knew me." 

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