Chapter 01

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[pouring rain]

"Wait for mee... "

"You will never catch m-"

[splashing water and laughter]

"Watch out!.."

[falls down into a huge mud hole]

"Are you ok?" 

" Se....o....---"

[fading voice]


"Wake u...p... SEO JOON! "

[black out]


*Lightning Strikes* October 7th, yet another memory from the past ... I began to write in my note book , while standing next to the window staring at the outside world as the poison rain pours down into human's lives. "What a waste of precious lives... Running around in the heavy rain... Getting entirely soaked for no reason.. Creating worry- butts numerously... What a waste.." I kept the notebook and the pen away and closed the curtains in disappointment.  *knock* *knock*  Right at 11:58pm , a nurse entered into the room holding some documents with her. "Here sir.. ," the nurse handed it straight to my hand with no eye contact being made, "Hope you enjoyed your present self to the fullest sir.. Wish you bright f-future a-ahead..." I could sense the pity and the sorrow through her words as she held those documents. "Only one minute left.. For a n-new day.." nurse said blocking all her emotions within her although tears slid through her cheeks drop by drop. "New day.. New me.." I added as both the hands in the clock hits 12. *Ding Dong*

My whole body suddenly got shut down and I couldn't move a muscle. "Am I dead? What happened? Can anyone hear me? Why is it dark in here?! Hello?!!" I felt like my whole body was thrown into dark, endless portals million times over and over again. From one portal to another, I could feel my memories, my personality, my whole self! being erased bit by bit. "GET ME OUT OF HERE!!" I yelled top out of my lungs to be heard even though it was not possible. Suddenly a flash struck , and I was taken 20 years back.

20 years ago

 "Mom! I am going to play!" said the 7 year old seo-joon

" Ok! Don't get hurt like last time ! Be careful dear and come home early!!" 


[leaves home and runs passing the playground ]

"Seo-Joon! Where are you going?! Come play with us!" 

"No!No I got to meet ____ !"


[meets a girl]

"Hey _____ . Wanna come to play? "

"Oh hi Seo-Joon. Yeah sure but its cloudy, it'll rain soon" 

"Well it will be more fun then. We can play in the rain! ^-^"

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