Forget Me Not

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*Background is not drawn by me, cause I suck ass at backgrounds. Everything else is drawn by me, however.*

Kento and Keomi walked to their middle school that morning, together like always. While was walking idly down the street, Keomi skipped next to him, energetic as ever despite the early hours. Kento wasn't as much of a morning person as his sister— taking more after their dad.

"Do you have any plans after school today?" Keomi asked suddenly, glancing in the windows of the shops they passed by for anything interesting. She was always on the hunt for a new pair of shoes.

"No, I don't think so." Kento replied with a shrug. "Haru might have something for us to do, though. You know how random he is."

Keomi nodded, bouncing on her heels. "Alright! Just let me know by the end of school. Ayaka and the other girls were talking about going to sing karaoke. If you and Haru aren't doing anything, you can come with us!" She offered.

Kento scrunched his nose. "Karaoke? I don't think so. Besides, Ayaka would only be ok with me going since she has that huge crush on Haru."

"Aw, come on, that's not the only reason!" Keomi groaned, not denying the part about Ayaka's crush. "Besides, you love singing." She said, stopping in her tracks to smoosh her face against the glass of her favorite shoe store. Her mouth was practically watering as she ogled over the hot pink heels. If only she hadn't spent her allowance on more squish-mallows...

Her brother rolled his eyes. "No I don't."

She shook her head, blowing a kiss to the heels before falling back in step with her brother. She sent him a smirk. "The shower head says differently."

Kento's eyes widened. "Keomi!"

She shrugged with a smile before running off. "You forget how thin the walls are! Nice rendition of Womanizer, by the way!" She called back before disappearing around the school gate.

Kento smacked his forehead before ducking his head down as he walked past the groups of kids. A few of them sent him odd looks, probably surprised they were getting a new student in the middle of the year, despite him having been here every school day. It was Monday. Of course everyone forgot him over the weekend. That's what always happened.

He headed to his locker, expecting to find his best friend waiting for him with the usual morning comment: "Morning, K. Did you get uglier?"

To which Kento would reply with: "No. You're looking in a mirror, H."

The whole thing wasn't very clever, but the boys thought they were hilarious. They've said it every day for the past three years.

When Kento made it to his locker however, Haru was nowhere in sight. Kento shrugged it off, figuring his friend was just late for school. That wouldn't really be much of a surprise. Haru loved playing video games, and he'd often call Kento in the middle of the night to tell him he beat the boss of whatever game he was playing.

So, Kento pulled out one of the books he was carrying, and leant against his locker to wait for his friend. He really enjoyed reading. His favorite stories were mysteries and biographies. He loved to hear about other people's lives and the different emotions they faced throughout all their hardships. Reading about how they could hit the lowest of lows and still get back up again was inspiring. He hoped to write his own biography one day. If people only knew his name, they seemed to remember him. He could actually be known for something!

That was his hope, anyway.

Kento waited there by his locker until the warning bell chimed. When there was still no sign of him, he shook his head and made his way upstairs. He was in a different class than his sister- the advanced classes. Keomi liked to joke about him being 'the smart twin', but he didn't like to think of it that way. It made him feel like she thought she was dumb, which she in no way was.

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