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*Xander's POV*

I slammed the door after I walked into the house and it seemed as if it rattled the walls.

"Xander is that you?" I heard my dad yell from his office. I let out a frustrated sigh and walked towards him. When I entered the office I noticed that my mom and my dad were sitting on the large couch that is in his office. I stood in the door way and raised an eyebrow at my dad. He let out a frustrated sigh and motioned for me to take a seat. I sighed heavily but did as he said.

"What?" I asked in a bored tone. Dad studied me for a moment before speaking.

"She's a good girl you know." He said calmly, as if he was talking about the weather. I was taken back for a moment because I didn't expect my dad to find out about my mate, I mean I knew he would feel the jump I just didn't think he would figure out who.

"Who are you talking about?" I asked with a straight face and a even tone. My dad gave me the 'really?' Face and my mom just looked plain confused.

"You know who I'm talking about. Your mate, the girl that you pretty much rejected." He said and I could tell he was angry. I narrowed my eyes at him and clenched my fists. This is my decision, if I don't want Paisley as my mate then he has to deal with it.

"I didn't reject her, I simply told her I didn't want to be with her." I said. My dad clenched his jaw and I could tell that his temper was only rising. My mom gave us both a confused look and I could tell she didn't have a clue as to what was going on.

"Reed what are you talking about? Did Xander reject his mate? Do you know who she is?" My mom babbled hurriedly. I saw a small smile appear on my dads face before he turned to my mom and took her hands in his.

"Yes I know who his mate is and no he didn't reject her. Just be patient and I'll tell you everything later." He said quietly. She nodded her head and then he turned back to me with a glare.

"You will accept her." He ordered and that made my blood boil. I have alpha blood in me so I don't take to being bossed around very well. My wolf was snarling inside of me and I started to shake. I took deep calming breaths and once I finally got myself under control I turned towards my dad.

"It is my choice and I don't want to be with PAISLEY!" I yelled angrily. My dad looked taken back and my mom let out a quiet gasp. She looked up at me with surprise.

"Paisley? Paisley Conner?" She asked quietly. I nodded my head angrily and nearly punched the wall when my wolf whimpered inside of me. My mom had disappointment in her eyes and she slowly got up from the couch. She looked towards me one last time before shaking her head and walking out of the room saying quietly,

"I can't believe you, I thought I raised you better." It hurt hearing the words coming out of my moms mouth but I pushed it away and looked back towards my father. He looked angry but very disappointed also. I angrily clenched my fists and then ran out of the room. I ran down the stairs and into the back yard where I shifted into my wolf and ran off, trying to relieve my anger.

Paisley is turning out to be a bigger problem then I thought she would be.


*Paisley's POV*

I groaned when I heard the familiar beeping of my alarm clock the next morning. Reaching over I slammed my fist down onto it, successfully shutting it up. I really didn't want to go to school to today but I wasn't going to stay home and make myself seem weak. I pushed my thick blankets off of me and climbed out of the bed. I walked into my large bathroom and stood in front of the mirror. I didn't feel like doing anything with my hair so I put it into a cute messy bun on top of my head that had a few pieces falling out and I curled those pieces.

I put on a little bit of make up and then walked towards my closet. I put on the first thing I grabbed which happened to be a pair of black skinny jeans and a cute long sleeved red shirt that had hearts on it. I pulled on my black toms and then headed down stairs. I was just about to walk into the kitchen when I heard hushed voices. I paused for a moment to listen.

"I'm worried about her Saxon." I heard my mother say from inside the kitchen. My dad sighed and I heard him move towards my mother.

"I know honey, I am to." He replied. It was silent for a moment before my mom replied.

"I know what it feels like to be rejected and I don't want her to have to go threw that." She said softly. I frowned in confusion, rejection? I heard my dad suck in a deep breath before he let it out.

"I know. We can't make Xander change his mind though. I talked to Reed yesterday and he said that Xander refused to even talk about it." Dad said. I decided I didn't want to hear anymore so I walked into the kitchen. Mom and dads heads snapped up and when they saw me a look of sadness came over them.

"Hey guys!" I said trying to be cheerful but I could tell they hadn't bought it. They gave me concerned looks and I had to hold in the eye roll that wanted to escape. I quickly walked over to the counter and got out the stuff for cereal. After I made the cereal I sat down and slowly started eating. It was completely silent am I could feel there eyes on me.

I quickly turned around and saw that my parents were giving me sympathetic looks.

"Stop staring at me like that! I'm not some charity case!" I snapped. As soon as the words left my mouth I regretted them. My dad gave me a hurt look and it looked like my mom was about to start crying. I sighed and was about to apologize when I heard a honk from outside. I got up and walked out of the kitchen not even saying bye to my parents.

Seth and Lela were waiting for me outside and I climbed into the car without saying anything.

"Hey!" Lela said happily. I simply raised my hand to her then turned to face the window. Lela got the message and didn't try to talk to me for the rest of the ride to school. When we got to the school Seth parked the car and I was up and out in less then a minute. I slung my bag over my shoulder then hurriedly walked into the school, keeping my head low.

I made my way to my locker before u heard footsteps from behind me. I didn't turn around though because I could care less who it was.

"Wow, slow down Paisley." I heard Lela's voice come from behind me. I rolled my eyes annoyed and then scolded myself for it, just because your hating the world right now doesn't mean you have to be mean to everybody else, I thought to myself. I turned around slowly and forced a smile on my face.

"Sorry I just wanted to get to my locker." I said lowly. Lela raised her eyebrows at me but didn't comment. Seth walked up behind Lela and wrapped his arms around her waist, he then kissed her neck and whispered something in her ear that made her giggle. It hurt me to see them do stuff like that because I know that I will never get to.

I cleared my throat loudly and there eyes snapped to mine. I gave them a look and they both looked apologetic. I contained the eye roll that wanted to come out and turned around, heading towards my first period class. On the way there I bumped into a few people and each time I wanted to punch them. Every little thing was irritating me but I couldn't help it.

I nearly snapped as another person slightly bumped into me. I sighed, this is going to be a long day..


Hey guys! First off, I'm so sorry for not updating sooner! I just have really bad writers block at the moment and every time I go to write nothing comes to me. And secondly, I'm sorry that this chapter is so short and sucky, again I have writers block. So I'm sorry if I don't upload for a while but I will try to post the next chapter within the next week! Thanks and hope you enjoyed!(:

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