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*Paisley's POV*

I grumpily picked at my food as I sat at the lunch table with Lela and Seth. They were lost in there own conversation about who knows what, but I couldn't be bothered to listen. The whole day all I have been hearing about is how 'perfect' Perrie is, and its really starting to get on my nerves.

I mean I understand that she's the shiny new toy but can't people have some respect for them selfs and not talk about her like she's some goddess. I said before that it was hard for me to not like her but its slowly becoming easier.

Suddenly I heard two people sit down at our table, looking up to see my two least favorite people, Xander and Perrie. My eyes widened and I noticed that Lela and Seth's conversation had stopped. Perrie, obviously oblivious to the fact that an awkward silence had settled at the table, immediately started up a conversation.

"Hey Paisley. Oh I hope you don't mind Xander and I sitting at your table." She said happily. I put on a fake smile and waved my hand at her.

"Oh no it's fine, I mean you are my cousin right?" I joked towards the end. Perrie laughed slightly before turning towards my friends.

"I don't think we have met before, I'm Perrie." She said as she looked at them. Seth currently had his arm tightly wrapped around Lela and she was leaning into him, making it obvious that they are mates.

They both gave Perrie a smile before Lela spoke up.

"I'm Lela and this is Seth." She said motioning towards Seth. Perrie nodded before asking another question.

"Oh! Are you guys mates?" She asked excitedly. They both smiled and nodded there heads.

"That's so cute." Perrie said with a genuine smile. It was strange that Perrie was sitting with us but even stranger that Xander was. He has a tight bit group of friends, friends all from his pack, and he always stays with them. So at the moment it's feeling pretty weird seeing him over here. I knew the reason that he was though is because of Perrie.

The tables in our cafeteria are round and have a single round bench going all the way around the table so Seth and Lela were seating next to each other with Perrie next to Lela, Xander next to Perrie and me in between Seth and Xander. I didn't feel the least bit comfortable sitting next to Xander and I could feel the hear radiating off of him.

I slightly shifted before stealing a glance at Xander to see that he was already staring at me. I quickly snapped my head back but that didn't stop the blush from rising on my cheeks. I felt more then heard a deep chuckle come from Xander, this of course only made me blush harder.

Seth, Lela and Perrie were all having a conversation about something that I didn't quit know, leaving Xander and I in silence. I was just about to join there conversation when I felt a large hand on the upper part of my thigh. A loud, surprised squeal left my lips and everybody at the table gave me strange looks.

"You okay Paisley?" Lela asked giving me a look. I nodded my head because I didn't exactly trust my voice at the moment. She gave me a suspicious look before returning to the conversation. Pleasurable tingles were coming from the place where Xander's hand was placed on my thigh and my wolf was purring inside of me.

I slowly turned my head towards Xander to see that he had a very large cocky smile on his face. I gave him a very evil glare and when he saw it his smirk only turned into a smile. Seeing his dimples smile made my heart beat faster and I was almost positive that he could hear it.

I gently grabbed his hand and took it off of my thigh, placing it on the bench next to him, only for him to put it right back where it was at. I sighed and tried to remove it again but it didn't work. That's how the rest of my lunch went by, Xander's hand on my thigh and me trying to remove with no luck.

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