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*Paisleys POV*

I sighed angrily as I stared at the board in front of me. The weekend had, like always, flew by and today was dreadfully Monday. I was currently sitting in my fourth period English class, staring up at the board and listening to the teacher ramble on about something I couldn't care less about.

Suddenly I felt something hit the back of my head, I quickly turned around in my seat and glared at the idiot sitting behind me.

"What do you want Seth?" I asked quietly. Seth smirked at my angry face before becoming serious.

"Have you seen the new girl?" He asked me just as quietly. I tilted my head to the side and frowned.

"New girl?" I asked confused. Seth nodded his head quickly. I hadn't heard anything about a new girl at school so the news was a bit surprising.

"No, I haven't seen her. Why? A there something weird about her or anything?" I whispered quietly, Seth bit his lower lip before slowly shaking his head.

"There's nothing weird about her, but all of the guys are all over her." He said, not meeting my eyes. I frowned slightly before replying.

"What do you mean?" I was confused now and he was obviously going to have to spell it out for me. Seth sighed before running a hand threw his hair.

"What I mean is, she's dressed like a slut and all of the guys are all over her, including your mate." He said the last part very quietly so that no prying ears would hear. I nodded my head before turning around in my seat. It hurt to know that Xander was all over her, I mean after the scene he pulled at the club I actually thought that maybe he wanted me, but I guess I was wrong.

The bell suddenly rung, making me jump slightly in my chair. I quickly gathered all of my things and shoved them into my bag. Jumping up from my seat I slowly walked out of the classroom. Seth and Lela were waiting for me outside the classroom door and by the look on Lela's face I knew that she had heard the news.

"Lets go." I said, plastering a fake smile onto my face but Seth and Lela, being my best friends, saw right threw it. The three of us all quickly walked towards the lunchroom. I really didn't want to go into there, because I knew that I would see Xander and that slut, but I had to show him that I was stronger then he thought I was. We entered the lunchroom and I couldn't help but to scan my eyes around the room, looking for him. And I immediately found him.

Xander was seated at his usual table with all of his usual friends but one thing was different, he had a girl sat right on his lap and he was steadily making out with her. I'm not going to lie and say that it didn't hurt my heart to see that but it didn't hurt as much because I had honestly gotten used to it. I was just about to turn away when Xander brought his lips away from the girls and looked right up at me.

Our eyes connected and the last thing I wanted to do was look away. I looked into his eyes deeply and for a moment, only a moment, I saw pain in Xander's eyes but he quickly covered it up before looking away from me and going back to his slut. I frowned deeply before turning back to Seth and Lela. They both had worried looks on there faces but I simply shook my head before walking over to our table.

I didn't feel like eating today, so I wasn't going to. A few minutes later Seth and Lela returned to the table with food in there hands. Lela slid a sandwich across the table and looked at me expectantly, I shook my head and pushed it back to her.

"Oh come on, you need to eat Paisley." She whined as she sat down. I sighed before taking the sandwich and unwrapping it, I knew if I didn't eat it they would both through a fit. I munched on the turkey sandwich and stared down at the table. I could feel Lela and Seth's eyes staring intently at me but I refused to look up.

"Are you alright?" Lela finally asked, breaking the silence a few moments later. Without looking up I nodded my head. Seth let out a deep sigh before grabbing my hands.

"No your not Paisley, we know it and you can talk to us about it." He said comfortingly. And he was right, I'm not okay, but I don't feel the need to talk about it. I'm not that kind of person, I keep things bottled up inside of me, that is until I can't take it anymore.

"I appreciate the fact that you care about me, but I really don't want to talk about it right now." I said quietly. I looked up for a few seconds and saw that they both had defeated looks on there faces. I felt a tinge of guilt in the bottom of my stomach but I pushed it away. The lunch bell rung and the three of us silently stood up from our table and walked towards the lunch table.

I had just dumped my lunch into the garbage and turned around when I ran right into somebody, successfully knocking me to the ground. I sat startled on the ground and let out a groan because my butt was in pain.

"I'm so sorry!" I heard a voice come from above me. I looked up to see a girl that I had never seen before. She had bleach blonde hair, but it didn't look died it looked natural, along with dark tanned skin and wide baby blue eyes. She was a beauty and she had to be the new girl that everybody was talking about.

"It's fine." I said with a smile as I hauled myself up from the ground. The girl looked guilty so I gave her a kind smile.

"I'm Paisley." I offered as I held my hand out for her to shake. Her eyes widened and recognition flashed in them before she covered it up and put a smile on her face.

"Perrie." She answered as she took my hand in hers. After a good shake I released her hand and took a step back.

"Again, I'm really sorry about running into you." She repeated with a sheepish smile. I had just opened my mouth to reply when a tall figure stepped up next to Perrie and put there arm around her.

"Hey babe. What are you doing talking to her?" Xander asked with a smirk on his face. I immediately stiffened as soon as I heard his voice before slowly raising my head up to look at him. He had a cocky smirk on his face and he was intently staring down at me.

"Oh nothing baby, I just accidentally ran into her." Perrie answered. Xander nodded his head before swooping down and capturing her lips with his, and that's when I realized that Perrie was the blonde that had been sitting on Xander's lap. I sucked in a deep breath before rolling my eyes and stomping away from the 'happy couple'. I slightly turned my head back to see that Perrie was staring after me confused, I rolled my eyes again before turning away from the bitch.


"Finally!" I sighed in relief as Seth, Lela and I exited the school. After the whole incident at lunch I had been in a horrible mood all day and the rest of school seemed to drag on. I followed the pair out to the car and climbed in. Seth started up the car and pulled out of the parking lot.

"Hey Paisley who was that girl you were talking to at lunch?" Lela asked curiously. Just the thought of Perrie put me in a sour mood. I sighed and ran a hand threw my long black hair.

"Her names Perrie, she's new here." I answered quietly.

"Ooh! That's the me girl that everybody has been talking about." I nodded my head and she continued. "Do you know what pack she's in?" She asked curiously.

"We'll my parents haven't said anything to me about it so shed probably in Xander's, it would make sense because he was all over her at lunch today." I said bitterly. Lela flinched away from my harsh tone and it was then that I realized how much of my alpha voice I had put into that.

"I'm sorry Lela, I didn't mean to use the voice. It just kinda happened cuz I'm not in the best of moods." I said apologetically. She nodded her head before smiling happily at me. A few minutes later and we had pulled up to my house.

"Thanks for the ride." I yelled to Seth and Lela as I exited the car. They both smile at me before driving away. I walked up to my door before throwing it open and strutting inside. As soon as I entered I heard multiple voices coming from the family room so I quickly made my way there. When I entered the room I saw two strangers standing in the middle of our front room. One was Perrie and the other was a older woman who closely resembled her.

My mom turned around and smiled at me. "Paisley I want you to meet your Aunt Adrianna and your cousin Perrie."



Hey guys! So I hope you enjoyed this chapter and thanks for reading!(:

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