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*Paisleys POV*

"Paisley are you listening to me?" My dad questioned from across his desk. My head snapped towards him and I saw that he had a eyebrow raised at me.

"What?" I asked confused. Dad quietly chuckled before shaking his head.

"I asked if you were listening to me." He repeated. My eyes widened a little before I gently bit my lip and shook my head.

"Of course your not." He answered trying to sound stern but I could hear the amusement in his voice. I've been sitting in my dads office all day long going over papers, pack issues and alpha things. It's something that the two of us do regularly because I am the future alpha of my pack. I just haven't been able to concentrate all day long because my mind has been on one thing, or should I say person.

Xander hasn't left my mind since he walked out of my room yesterday. His words keep repeating in my head and I just can't seem to get them out. Not only his words but his voice, his eyes, his scent, just everything. I can't get him out of my head.

I was snapped back into reality when I heard my dad clear his throat. I raised my head up to look at him and saw that he had a smirk on his face.

"Mind stuck somewhere else?" He asked as if he read my thoughts. I felt the blush make its way onto my face and I looked down at my hands to avoid eye contact.

"No." I answered quickly. My dad let out a throaty chuckle before smiling down at me.

"I know when your lying sweetheart and I also know for a fact that the only thing you've been thinking about all day is Xander." He answered with a smirk. My blush deepened and I let out a huff.

"Shut up!" I whined like a child. Dad laughed before reaching across the desk and grabbing my hand.

"It's okay baby girl, it's only natural. Your mother is still always on my mind." He said with a dreamy look in his eyes. A giggle escaped my mouth causing my dad to grin at me. His grin slowly faded away before his face became serious. I frowned at the sudden change of mood before slightly sitting up in my seat.

"What's wrong?" I questioned. Dad sighed before releasing my hand and running his own through his hair.

"I'm just worried that's all." He vaguely answered. My frown became deeper and I was starting to get worried.

"About what?" I prodded. Dad glanced at me before looking down at his desk.

"About you and Xander." He finally answered. All of the worry that I had been feeling melted away and a grin made its way onto my face.

"And why is that daddy?" I asked with a smile. My dad rolled his eyes at my goofy grin before continuing.

"I'm just worried about everything. Are you guys finally working out?" He asked. I took a deep breath before slowly nodding my head.

"Yeah. I think that we finally are dad." I answered with a small smile. My dad smiled back at me before straightening up in his seat.

"That's great because we need to talk about some things." He stated. I raised an eyebrow at him and motioned for him to continue.

"We'll there's a lot of things that we need to talk about. If and when you guys finally finish the mating process what pack house are the two of your going to settle down in?" He questioned. A scorching hot blush made its way onto my face and my dad let out a small chuckle when he saw it.

I sighed, running a hand threw my hair before shrugging my shoulders.

"I don't know." I muttered. Dad nodded before continuing.

"And another thing, what beta are you going to choose? Seth or Cole?" He asked. I frowned because I actually hadn't thought about this stuff before. I didn't even get a chance to answer because my dad continued.

"And are you guys going to settle down in the pack house or in a house of your own? Are you still going to go to college like we planned?" He continued with the questiones. An exasperated sigh escaped my mouth before I put a hand up to stop my dad.

"I honestly don't know dad. I'll have to talk to Xander about it." I answered. He nodded his head before we fell into a peaceful silence. I had never given much thought about what would happen once Xander and I mated because I honesty didn't think it would happen but now that we are whatever we are the questions are all rushing in.

Like how are we going to take care of the pack. Because once we mate are packs are going to have to join together and be one pack. My pack contains just over three hundred people and Xander's contains just over four hundred so that's over seven hundred people! I don't know how were going to handle it.

I frowned, beginning to get worried about everything, before I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see my dad standing above me with a small smile on his face.

"I can tell that your freaking out sweetheart but you need to just not think about it because its not going to happen for a while." He reassured me with a wink. I sighed before nodding my head and getting up from my seat.

"Lets go get something to eat, I'm starving." I said to dad. He chuckled and nodded his head. We walked down the stairs together and when we entered the kitchen I saw that my mom, aunt Adrianna and Perrie were all seated around the island.

When dad and I walked in there heads snapped up and they all smiled at us.

"Hey you two! You've been in that office all day, bout time you came out." Mom teased with a smile. I rolled my eyes but chuckled at her nonetheless. I took a seat next to Perrie while dad sat down next to mom. Mom got up and grabbed two sandwiches out of the fridge, placing them in front of us. I smiled at her gratefully before taking a large bite.

There was a comfortable silence for a few minutes before the door bell suddenly rang. I gave a questioning look to my parents but they just shrugged there shoulders.

"I'll get it." I said as I stood up. I walked to our front door and threw it open. A smile lit up my face when I saw who was at the door.

"Hey!" Lela was standing in front of me dressed in shorts and a tank top. Behind her I could see Seth sitting in the car.

"Hi! What are ya doing here?" I questioned after greeting her.

"I have been trying to call you all day to ask you if you wanted to go to the beach with Seth and I but you didn't answer so I thought that I would just come over." She answered in one breath.

"Oh yeah sorry I was in the office with my dad and my phone was in my room." I apologized. Lela fake glared at me for a few seconds before the both of us burst into giggles.

"So do you wanna go?" She questioned. I nodded my head happily.

"Yeah! Just let me get changed." I answered. Lela nodded her head before telling me that she would wait in the car. I closed the door behind me and walked back into the kitchen.

"Hey can I-" I began to ask but my dad cut me off.

"Of course you can honey, have fun." He said without even looking up. I giggled and shook my head and him. I was about to walk up to my room when I saw that Perrie was still siting at the island with the adults.

"Hey Perrie do you wanna come to?" I asked. Perries head snapped up and she looked at me surprised.

"Really?" She questioned. I nodded my head and laughed when she shot up out of her seat and tackled me in a hug.

"Of course I wanna come, I'll go get ready." She said excitedly after she detached herself from me. I nodded my head and followed her up the stairs. I walked into my bedroom, locking the door behind me, before heading to my dresser. I plucked out my bathing suit and stripped out my clothes, pulling it on afterwards. I brushed threw my long hair before pulling it into a bun on the top of my head.

I grabbed my white cover dress out my closet before pulling it on. I slipped on a pair of flip flops and was out the door. Perrie was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs. She looked beautiful like always in a black cover dress and sandals, her blonde hair was up in a high pony tail and when she saw me she jumped up and down in excitement.

"You ready?" I questioned as I reached the bottom of the stairs. Perrie nodded her head and gave me a big smile.

"I'm so ready! This is my first time going to the beach!" She exclaimed. I laughed before walking out the door. Seth and Lela were waiting in the car and when they saw Perrie next to me they gave me a questioning look. I shrugged my shoulders before climbing into the back seat with Perrie right behind me.

"Hey guys!" Perrie chirped happily after she got into the car. Lela and Seth both smiled and greeted her back but I could tell that they were confused as to why she was going with us.

'I have a lot to tell you." I spoke to Lela through the mind link. Lela's eyes made contact with mine and she slightly nodded her head. The ride to the beach was quick and the whole time Perrie was talking away like the cheerful person that she is.

As soon as Seth parked the car I was up out of my seat and running towards the beach. I heard my three friends laugh from behind me but I couldn't help it, I just love the beach.

I kicked my flip flops off when I got to the sand and curled my toes into it. A happy sigh left my mouth as I took in the beautiful scenery in front of me. The ocean was calm as could be with only slight waves every once in a while, the sand was a beautiful white color and the sky was clear and blue with no clouds in sight.

I was brought out of my sight seeing by a sudden weight on my back that knocked me to the ground. I fell forward into the soft sand and landed with a huff. There was a somewhat heavy weight on my back and I soon realized that it was Perrie who had attacked me.

"Isn't this beautiful?" Perrie asked excitedly from on top of me. I found Perries excitement about the beach rather adorable.

"Yeah it is beautiful but it would be even more beautiful if you would get off of me." I groaned out. Perrie wasn't a heavy girl but she was about the same size as myself and she was kind of squishing me.

"Oops sorry." Perrie said as she stood up off of me. I laughed before pushing myself to my feet. I glanced around and saw that Lela and Seth had already set up the umbrella and towels a little bit away.

I picked up my shoes before striding over to them with Perrie right behind me. I plopped down onto the nearest towel and grinned up at Lela when she scowled at me.

"That was my towel." She pouted. I rolled my eyes at her before leaning back and looking around the beach. I was surprised to see that it wasn't very crowded. There was a couple of small families spread out across the large beach and the odd loner or two. I looked to the left and raised an eyebrow when I saw a large group of shirtless guys playing volley ball.

There was about ten guys equally divided playing volleyball while a few rather slutty looking females where watching them with lustful gazes. I took in a deep breath and realized that the entire lot of them were werewolf's from Xander's pack.

"Hey you comimg?" I heard somebody ask. I turned my head back towards my friends and saw that they were all standing and waiting for me to join them.

I nodded my head before standing up and slipping out of my dress. My bright strapless lime green bikini stood out against my tan skin and contradicted with my blue eyes well. I looked up to see that Lela and Perrie had slipped out of there clothes and were in there bikinis to.

"Race ya to the water!" I squealed happily before sprinting towards the water. I giggled as I heard the three of them take off right after me before I splashed into the water.

A squeal escaped my lips as my skin came in contact with the cold water. I moved my hands around in attempt to go used to the water when I suddenly felt the cold liquid all over my body.

I screeched and spun around to see Perrie a few feet away giggling at me. I narrowed my eyes at her before moving my hand back and splashing a large amount of water at her. She gasped before splashing me right back.

Are little splashing game went on for about five minutes until I realized that Seth and Lela weren't joining us. I frowned and glanced around the beach. My eyes settled on the couple who were a little ways away from us making out in the water.

I rolled my eyes at them before grinning.

"Hey are you love birds going to join us or not?" I yelled to them. They instantly separated and looked over at me. Lela blushed a deep red that matched her hair but Seth simply chuckled before picking Lela up and walking towards us.

The four of us played around in the water for a little longer before getting out and laying on our towels. I was laying on my towel, sun drying, when a shadow suddenly appeared blocking my sun. My eyes snapped open and my heart starting beating wildly when I saw my mate.

Xander stood above me with a smirk on his face and let me tell you one thing, he looked delicious. He was shirtless with nothing but a pair of swim trunks on, his dark hair was damp and hanging down in his eyes, his honey colored eyes that were staring down at me in amusement.

"Like what you see?" He asked in a teasing voice. I snapped out of my daze before smirking.

"Maybe I do." I stated simply. Xander's eyes widened in surprise before a cocky smirk overtook his features.

"I bet you do." He answered arrogantly. I rolled my eyes before placing my hands behind my head.

"Yeah but I've seen better." I threw out before tearing my eyes away from him. I heard a low growl come from above before there was suddenly a large body hovering above my own. Xander was leaning above me, supporting his weight with his arms that were placed on each side of my body.

"Is that so?" He growled out. I looked up into his eyes to see that they had darkened a shade or two. My breath caught in my throat and my heart was banging violently against my chest.

"Y-Yeah." I answered sounding breathless. Xander smirked down at me, obviously noticing the effect he had on me. I narrowed my eyes at him and huffed. Xander slowly started leaning in towards me, his lips getting closer and closer to mine. I gulped and let out a sigh.

Xander closed his eyes as my breath fanned across his face and his lips were mere inches away from mine when I suddenly pushed against his chest.

Xander's eyes snapped open as he fell backwards onto his but. I quickly jumped to my feet and took a few steps away from him. He looked confused for a moment but my small giggles instantly snapped him out of it.

He raised his head up to look and me and I smirked down at him. He suddenly jumped to his feet and started towards me. A squeal escaped my lips before I turned around and booked it away from him. He let out a small growl before chasing after me.

I ran past my friends, who all had amused looks on the faces, before sprinting towards the large group that was playing volleyball. They were all from Xander's pack and they were staring at me. Some people had confused looks on there faces while others, the females, looked jealous.

I glanced towards Xander's best friend Cole, who also used to be a very close friend of my own, and saw that he was also looking very amused. I smiled before running towards him.

My small frame was easily hidden behind Coles rather large one but I knew that my attempts to hide were stupid because Xander would be able to smell me from a mile away.

"Hide me Cole!" I hissed. Cole chuckled before glancing over his shoulder at me.

"No can do sweetheart, I don't want Xander to kill me." He answered with a smirk. I gulped and my eyes went wide when he stepped away from me. I looked up and saw a very flustered Xander standing a few feet away.

His eyes looked to me and smirked, amusement clear in his eyes, before taking a step towards me.

"You really shouldn't run angel, you know that it's a males instinct to chase his mate." He stated. There were gasps from all around us as Xander's pack mates heard the news. I felt all eyes on me causing me to slightly blush, I pushed it away before meeting Xander's eyes.

"We'll then try to catch me alpha." I taunted as I stuck my tongue out at him. I turned around and took off, with Xander right on my heels.

I only made it a few feet before I felt a pair of strong arms encircle my waist and lift me off of my feet. I squealed as Xander rested me in his arms bridal style. I peaked up at him threw my lashes and my breath caught in my throat when I saw the look in his eyes.

For a second I thought that he was going to kiss me but then I noticed that he was walking towards the water.

"No!" I squealed. Xander smirked down at me and continued.

"I just dried off! No!" I cried as he walked into the water. I wrapped my arms around Xander's neck and clung to him tightly. He suddenly stopped and smiled down at me.

"Time for a swim." He said as he pulled me away from his body. I tried to wrap my arms back around him but he was holding me to far away from him.

"Don't-" I was cut off mid sentence as Xander released me and let me fall into the cold ocean. I kicked to the surface and scowled when I saw him laughing his butt off. I glared before launching myself at him, taking him down into the water.

It was my turn to laugh as we both resurfaced but my laugh soon disappeared as I noticed the position we were in. My legs were wrapped firmly around Xander's waist while his hands rested on my own waist. Our chests were pressed together and our faces were extremely close.

I felt his cool breath fan across my skin causing goose bumps to rise along my arms. Sparks were flying everywhere that our skin was touching and I could feel Xander's erratic heartbeat against my chest.

I glanced up into his beautiful eyes and my heart stopped. He was staring at me so intensely and there was so many emotions flashing in his eyes that I couldn't even make then out. I let out a shaky breath and watched with wide eyes and he slowly brought his lips down to mine and connected them.

My eyes fluttered shut and a shudder ran through my body as our lips moved in sinc. I raised my hands up to Xander's dark hair and immediately tangled my fingers in it. I tugged him closer to me and smiled when I heard him let out a groan.

After a moment we pulled away from each other, breathless. I stared into Xander's eyes as he rested his forehead against my own and there was only one thought going through my head; I'm falling in love with Xander Jackson and there is nothing I can do about it.


Hey guys! Sorry it took me so long to update its just that I have very limited Internet access. I tried to make this chapter longer then my others so yeah. I hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading!(:

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