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*Paisley's POV*

I stared up at the tall trees above me and let out a frustrated sigh. I'm still laying in the meadow that my mother brought me to earlier and I haven't moved an inch since. My eyes darted around the meadow and with a grunt I pulled myself up off of the ground. I had just started to walk towards the paved path that would take me back home when I had the sudden urge to shift, so I did.

I quickly scanned my surroundings to make sure that there was no one around before I pulled my clothes off and neatly put them at the bottom of a nearby tree. I closed my eyes as the familiar feeling of the shift took over my body, I slightly smiled and when I opened my eyes again I was no longer on two feet but on four paws. I let out a happy bark and took off running in the opposite direction of my house. I was running at top speed, ducking under branches and jumping over fallen trees, my wolf was so happy to finally be let out because it had been a while since I last shifted.

When I run I'm happy and free, it feels like all of my worries are melting away. I had spent all day worrying about what happened with Xander that it felt so good to be able to forget it all and just let loose, to have a little fun. I'm still unsure about what I'm going to do but at the moment it's not a priority.

About half an hour later I was starting to feel tired and thirsty so I stopped at a stream that I had found a while back. I stared down into the crystal clear water, studying my appearance. My fur is completely white with large specks and dots of black in it, an even mixture of my parents fur. I greedily lapped up the cold water and when I was rehydrated I happily trotted over to a big tree that was a few feet away.

I plopped down right under the giant tree and rested my head on top of my front paws. I had just closed my eyes when I heard the quiet sound of falling rain drops. I opened my eyes and curiously studied the small rain drops as the fell onto the ground and before I knew it I fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.


*Xander's POV*

I clenched my hands and with a frustrated sigh I chucked the pencil I had been holding at my bedroom wall. I watched as the pencil broke into many small pieces and ran a hand threw my already messed up hair. I jumped backwards onto my bed and layer down, closing my eyes and putting my hands behind my head.

Ever since the incident at school I couldn't stop mentally beating myself up. I had promised steps that I would take it slow and try to build a friendship with Paisley before I even thought about a relationship, but of course I had to go and kiss her and probably mess up any chance I had with her in the first pace. Then I had to go and apologize to her for everything, she's probably overwhelmed with everything.

I was still deep in thought when suddenly my bedroom door was thrown open and somebody ran in. Startled I jumped up from my bed and glared at the intruder, my mom. I was just about to open my mouth and probably say something mean when I noticed the look on her face, she looked worried and scared. You see my Kim is usually a very calm and collective woman so seeing her like this was putting me on edge.

"What's wrong?" I asked worriedly. My mom gulped and steadied her breathing before answering.

"It's Paisley, she's missing!" She rushed out. As soon as the words left her mouth I froze. It was like I was paralyzed, unable to move or breath. Missing. That's a word that I never wanted to hear when it came to my mate. What is somebody took her? What if they had her trapped in a cage or a cell right now? What is they were hurting her?

That last question seemed to knock me out of the frozen state I had been in and my eyes snapped back to my moms.

"What do you mean she's missing!" I bellowed. My mom jumped back a few inches from my sudden outburst but quickly compose herself.

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