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*Paisley's POV*

Happy. That's what I felt when I woke up the next morning. A small smile made its way onto my face as my eyes slowly fluttered open. The light reached my sensitive eyes and I had to blink a few times until I got used to it. A yawn made its way out of my mouth followed by a surprised squeak as two strong arms tightened around me, pressing me against a hard chest.

I started to panic, until memories from the night before flooded into my mind. I felt a hot blush make its way onto my face as I remembered the possessive way that I had dragged Xander to my room the night before and everything that happened after that. In all honesty I wouldn't have even thought about doing something like that if my wolf hadn't of had as much control as she did. There was probably no doubt in everybody's mind that Xander and I are mates now.

I sighed quietly before gently turning around so that I was facing Xander. My breath caught in my throat as I took in his sleeping form. His dark brown hair was messy from sleep, his eyes were closed and his long black lashes touched his cheeks, his mouth was slightly open and his soft breath fanned over my face every time he breathed out. His arms were wrapped tightly around my waist and our chests were touching.

I smiled largely before carefully raising my hand and stroking his cheek. I ran a single finger down his nose and over his eyelids before tracing my finger over his perfect pink lips. I was so busy admiring him that I hadn't even noticed that his breathing had changed and a surprised gasp came from me when Xander took my hand in his. I looked up into his beautiful chocolate brown eyes to see that he was staring down at me in amusement.

"Having fun?" He asked as a laugh passed through his lips. I felt a blush make its way onto my face and I prayed that he didn't notice but of course he did. He smirked before gently running his fingers across my red cheek.

"I love it when you blush, it makes you look even cuter then you already are." Xander spoke as a small smile lit up his face. This, of course, only made me blush even more causing a light laugh to come from Xander. I laid my head down on his chest, in hopes of escaping the embarrassment that I was currently feeling but apparently I wasn't escaping that easily because Xander lightly cupped my face and brought my eyes back up to his.

"Don't hide from me I love every little thing about you, especially your adorable blush." He stated, planting a light kiss on my nose. I suddenly forgot how to breath as I stared up at Xander, all I could think about was what he just said, 'I love every little thing about you.' It kept replaying in my head. Love. It made me think about last night, when I could have sworn that I heard Xander tell me that he loved me.

I was brought back into reality when I felt a pair of soft, warm lips on mine. I was surprised for a moment before I hesitantly kissed Xander back. This kiss wasn't anything like the ones we shared last night, those were all hot and fast, but this kiss it was slow and sweet. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he hugged me impossible closer to him. We had just began to get into the kiss when suddenly my bedroom door was thrown open, reminding me of last night and my mom.

"Hey Paisley! I'm so glad-" Perrie began but completely stopped when she saw what was going on. Hurt flashed through Perries eyes before she turned around and bolted out of the room. I stared after her for a moment before turning back to Xander. He looked guilty and I understood why, Perrie and him kinda had a thing and I'm pretty sure that she thought that they were together.

I sighed and began to pull myself out of Xander's grip until he stopped me by pulling me back down to him.

"Where are you going?" Xander asked looking worried. I frowned down at him and motioned towards the door.

"I have to go talk to Perrie, did you not see how heartbroken she looked. I'm pretty sure that she thought that you guys were a thing." I said and I couldn't help but to let the bitterness seep into my voice towards the end. Xander open his mouth to protest but closed it when he saw the look I was giving him.

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