Chapter 29 War of all against all

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Chapter 29

The war of all against all

The world as they knew it was falling apart at the seams. Everything around them that was once pure, untainted, and familiar had become unknown to them as evil poured out from the epicenter of the sickened sky. Trees and all surrounding buildings were devoured by an unholy red fog that spilled out from the void of hell itself.

Toxic fumes choked the air. Wicked sparks hummed overhead them. Tried as they might, all those left standing could do was hold their breath while they looked on in terror at the evil that was manifesting beyond the ungodly red smoke which permeated out from the pearl.

A gateway to a forgotten alien dimension was broken, and the seal to this world had finally cracked, flowing rivers of malignant energy out from the mysterious beyond like water from a shattered dam. All that they held dear was now on the verge of irreversible corruption, unless...they could stop them.

The army squinted in disgust from the smoke as they fought against the burning sensation to their eyes. Realization sunk in deep their bones that the void beyond surely emptied its pits and the scourge from within which they so feared had finally been unleashed upon this world.

"What am I to do?" Zelda breathed to the others near her, Sylmoor, Seabass, and the company of men that led her. "What are any of us to do? We're...too late."

Cackling above and joyously perched atop a stone keep was Malroc, who was basking in the waves of oozing red energy that flowed freely from the ancient weapon in the sky. There he stood sentiently, soaking in its dark rays and amused at their plight. His hour has come.

Reveling in his victory thus far, the monstrous titan turned to face what was left of the battle-weary army below. "You see? She led you all to your deaths! You never had a chance!"

He stomped and lunged back onto his hind legs, arms stretched across the cursed heavens above. "And now, may the Moon Pearl bring forth that which has fallen! May blood and bone unite and become whole again! May hellfire breathe renewed life into the very sinew that which has been lost to outer darkness! I summon forth-all slaves to Ganon!"

His mighty decree reverberated throughout the capital, and the earth quaked back, bowing at his command. Winding whirling winds whipped the face who stood longing as the thunder of doom cracked above in unison. The marring of this world had begun.


"Oh, no!" Zelda screamed, gut simultaneously stood adjacent to the others on the other side of the castle with the rest of his forces, unknowingly concurred from afar. "What sort of new devilry is this!?"

Beside him, Taleran listened, one eye winced shut from the rumbling clash of clouds above and could only offer up a grunt of bewilderment and steadfastness, bracing for what was to come from the abyss of the darkness, sweat pouring down the thick of his brown brows.

And before anyone could make a move, to everyone's horror, one by one, what was once dead on the battlefield glowed putrid red with terrible swirling power. Hell's hosts' eyes lit up like torches across the darkened battlefield with the fire of Demise himself. Corpses and all manner of filth that which were maimed and broken arose and became whole once again.

First, only one stood up. Then one became three, and then three became ten, and in no time at all, hundreds had risen back up to their feet, their weapons waxed strong in their hands. What was once dead was now alive. And in no time at all, their dwindled numbers swelled to a multitude of ready soldiers. An army brought back for a single purpose. To end the world of men.

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