Crash landing in the land of wind

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Sirens and alarms echoed across the bridge of the A.E.S Barbatos where everyone lay unconscious as the Hyperion-class ship advanced through a dimensional tunnel of light of all colors and flashes.

Neill began to regain consciousness as he could see the end of the dimensional tunnel.

The twin-braided boy stood upright as he noticed the fleet seconds away leaving.

In a place near Teyvat....


A dimensional hole opened up as the rest of the fleet plummeted into the sea.

Neill grabbed the railing as he spoke "Everyone! Places! Places!" Teucer staggered to his feet as if his head was spinning like a wheel "Agh.... I feel a huge dizziness as if my head is being shaken by a milkshake..."

Tesla stood up as he approached a touch screen "It's the dimensional gravity forces. They've knocked us all out.... Including my back."

Helmsman: "Several failures in some sections of the shield, I recommend redirecting power in the center section and the bow to minimize damage."

"Do it!" Neill ordered as the helmsman activated the speakers "All crew brace for impact Brace! Brace!"

Neill and the rest gripped the rail tightly as they saw the sea getting closer and closer.


The bow section hit the water creating a geyser as the Barbatos sped forward.

Helmsman: "Activating bow thrusters to slow down!"

At that moment the thrusters below the waterline activated slowing the speed.



At that moment the braking was too soon and Neill went flying forward crashing into the lower area and sending some crewmen tumbling forward.


At that moment the Barbatos finally stopped as Durin quickly peered over the rail "Neill!"

"I'm fine Durin." The bard stood up as he looked at some areas of the bridge where sparks were flying "Damage report."

Helmsman: "Several casualties reported on all decks, damage to secondary systems. But the defense system is damaged and the main thruster with minimal damage."

Fu Hua looked serious helping to lift Teucer "Sensors functioning?"

Helmsman: "Yes ma'am."

The girl nodded "Do a sweep and find out where we are."

Helmsman: "Understood."

Neill jumped back to the platform as he looked at both hands "The Gnosis.... It's regaining its power..."

Helmsman; "Full sweep, showing tactical map."


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