Chapter 1

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Eight years later


"For goodness sakes, you three! Leave Percy alone!" Molly Weasley called after her twin boys, Fred and George and their partner in crime Rosalee, whom everyone called Leona because she didn't like her first name. Rosalee was what her parents called her, what her father called her, and she didn't like anyone else calling her that. So, she was Leona.

And though the three did nothing but cause trouble, pranking people, namely Percy, she couldn't help but smile at the joy on Leona's face as she ran about with the twins. Being the same age, they instantly got along since it was announced that Leona would be living with them.

Molly had kept her promise, even after what happened that night.

Sirius Black had been accused as a traitor to his friends, a supporter of You-Know-Who even though he bore no mark. His wife Odette Black was murdered that night, along with his childhood friend Peter Pettigrew. While Odette's body was found and buried in the Black family crypt in London, all that was left of Pettigrew was his finger. Both deaths they blamed Black for. And he'd been locked up for 8 years.

It had also been 8 years since Lily and James Potter had been killed and their son Harry, the Chosen One, had been sent to live with his only living Uncle and Aunt in Surrey, until the time came at last for him to know the truth.

But regardless of that, Molly kept her promise to Sirius.

She told Leona about her father and mother, told her how much she was loved by them and how much they didn't want to leave her. That they did it for her own safety.

She had the letter hidden away though.

A letter that hadn't been opened since it was sealed.

Yes, Molly was curious about what it said, but she never dared opened it.

And there had been times when she debated burning it, deciding it safer for Leona to not have contact with her father. But that was not her choice to make.

So, she waited.

8 years she'd been waiting.

And she wasn't the only one waiting.

Remus Lupin, godfather to the girl, checked in on her periodically, but only ever by owl. She hadn't seen him in person since about two years after her mother died and her father was sent to Azkaban, deeming it safer if the werewolf kept his distance.

Remus, however, believed that it was Sirius who sold out Lily and James.

Leona, however, didn't know what to believe.

So, they normally strayed away from that topic, mostly electing to talk about her escapades with the twins, him explaining why it was safer for her to be with the Weasley's or telling tales of his years in Hogwarts or what she wanted her time at Hogwarts to look like.

And it would happen soon.

Leona, along with the twins, had turned 11 not long ago and were anxiously awaiting the arrival of their Hogwarts letters.

And the magical day came when the trio sat in the garden, drumming up all sorts of ideas for products that they hoped to one day line the walls of the joke shop they wanted to own. A shop to bring a bit of laughter to the wizarding world.

Leona had never seen the boys so passionate and ambitious about something in her life.

They were a working team.

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