Chapter 45

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The next few days before the first task was interesting.

It was agreed that Rita Skeeter was a deplorable woman and all the lies she wrote about all four Champions were published in the Daily Prophet.

And, being the Slytherins they were, they'd invented badges that said Cedric rules. But when you pressed it, they said Potter Stinks.

So naturally, the trio couldn't stand for it.

Collecting as many badges as they could, Leona, Fred and George hexed them. Even Ginny helped. Though her crush on Harry had died down in the last couple years, she still liked him and hated the fact that people were just being mean now.

Anytime you flashed the potter stinks badge, the hex would leave you with boils for several hours. Ginny even put her own spin on the hex that made the boils last longer if you flashed the badge again.

But today, Leona found Ron sitting with Seamus in the great hall.

He'd been doing his very best to avoid her knowing what he'd done and what she'd do.

So, she greeted her brother with a slap to the back of his head.


"Why are you being a git, Ron?"

"Then ask Harry why he's lying about putting his name in the goblet!" Ron retorted and Leona hit him again.

"Are you really that daft? Get your bloody act together Ron before I owl mum about what you're doing and she sends you another Howler, understand?"

Ron grimaced slightly at the memory of the Howler from his second year, before nodding.

"Good. Now get up off our arse. Charlie's here."

And as Leona dragged Ron behind her to go and see one of their older brothers, who'd come to deliver the creatures required for the first task, she got a brilliant idea on a way they could make a little extra money come the first task. 


Leona having told the twins of her idea were on board straight away. And now they were walking around the stadium taking bets on the outcome of the trial today.

Leona on the other hand was with Angelina, Alicia and Ginny as they rooted for Cedric and Harry. Cedric because he was nice, and cute. And harry because he was their friend and teammate.

So far, all the Champions, save for Harry, had collected the egg from the dragons they faced. And as soon as the trial had started, the twins had made their way to Leona, Angelina getting butterflies as George stood next to her and Fred next to Leona. Leona and Ginny giving Angelina smirks that she glared at them for.

"What's that about?" Fred asked Leona as they watched Harry call for his Firebolt.

"Angelina's had a crush on George since our like fourth year. We're trying to set them up," she whispered so that the couple in question couldn't hear her.

"Huh," Fred said as he looked them over. "Well, she's much better than all the other girls he's been snogging lately."

"Gross," Leona said as she scrunched up her nose. "But that's what I said to her about it."

Their attention was then drawn to the arena as people cheered for Harry who was able to jump onto his broom.

But then the Horntail managed to break through its chains, smashing through a section of the teacher's stands as it tore after Harry.

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