Chapter 78

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The entire DA sat in the empty Great Hall, late at night parchment and inkless quills awaiting them at the desks that sat in front of the dais. A dais that held Dumbledore's chair that Umbridge was now occupying.

"Remind me again why we can't take your antidote now?" Harry asked as they all loitered in the back of the hall for a moment.

"Because it's not an antidote. It only takes away the pain of the hex, but the hex has to be administered first before it works. It's not a preventative thing," Leona explained again as they neared the desks and sat down, a satisfied smile on Umbridge's face as watched them.

"For the next, three hours, you are going to write, 'Albus Dumbledore is a liar'," she said in her high-pitched voice as numerous shaky hands picked up the quills.

And Leona wrote her first line.

One thing she didn't notice, however, was that everyone else's quills were black, and hers was red.

And Leona screamed as she cradled her hand, the pain unbearable as the words she wrote on the page dug themselves into her skin and she fell to the floor as she realised something. Those words weren't just seared into the flesh but into the bone.

"Mr Weasley!" Umbridge said loudly as she watched Fred bolt to his feet, George following suit as they'd been about to rush to Leona's side. "Unless you'd like Miss Black to stay an extra hour writing lines with my most special quill, I suggest that you both find your seats."

Fred looked torn apart as he saw the pained look in Leona's eyes as she shook her head at him, telling them both to stay put as she hauled herself back into her seat.

With a hardened glare at the pink woman who only smiled at her, making Leona's blood boil as the fires in the Great Hall raged, she wrote another line, focusing on the pain to keep her anger from unleashing her magic.

And not wanting to give Umbridge the satisfaction, she placed a silencing charm on herself, any screams or noises that came from her mouth coming out silent.

She might as well have been taking that quill and trying to carve the line into her hand as opposed to writing it on the page.

For the next three hours, Fred tortured himself when he'd look to his right and see his girlfriend write with a shaking hand as she tried to keep her tears at bay, her wounded hand clutched tightly to her chest.

But not only was he worried for Leona, but he was angry that Cho wasn't in here being punished with everyone else.

Leona had been nothing but kind to her, and this was how she was repaid.

It did more than boil the blood in his veins. It made it burst into flames.

Even more so at the fact that his little sister was also having to endure this torment. In his eyes, Ginny was his baby sister, and far too young to have scars from something as brutal as this.

But there was nothing he could do, lest he subject her to even more torture, until Umbridge finally let them leave.

And Leona's knees nearly buckled from the sheer agony as she stood, Fred catching her as they walked out from the hall.

And the pained sound that escaped her lips when she finally removed her silencing charm broke his heart, playing on an instant loop in his head as she couldn't help the tears that rolled down her face.

"We...uh, we have to get to the... Charm's classroom. I-I uh, I stashed the antidote there," she stammered before Fred scooped her up into his arms, the girl still shaking with pain as he ignored his own, seeing Leona in pain hurt more than any dark magic would.

"You're going to be ok Rosalee," he whispered to her before turning to his twin. "Spread the word. Flitwick's."

George nodded as he subtly began to move between people, telling them where to meet as everyone gave Cho the cold shoulder, ignoring her as she stood outside the Great Hall.

A few people even purposely bashed into her shoulder as she waited for Harry.

But took one look at Leona in Fred's arms and he stormed past her.

Hurting her, one of the last members of family he had left, was something unforgivable to him.

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