What's in a Name

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Barry is released from STAR Labs four hours after he wakes, when Caitlin arrives to 'okay' his vitals. She scolds him for getting himself in this situation again, and Barry sheepishly says he's sorry, and then he's dragging Len out of there.

They get on Len's motorcycle and leave.

Then they're back at the safe house, and Lisa's in the living room. She looks up from the TV and scowls when she sees them, getting to her feet.

"I assume you're okay?" she asks Barry.

Barry nods.


Then she punches him in the shoulder and he winces, rubbing his arm.

"That's for making Lenny worry," Lisa says smugly. "He sounded terrible on the phone."

Len throws her a glare, but she simply laughs and walks away.

Barry looks at Len. "I didn't mean to make you worry. I was okay – I mean, I made it to STAR Labs."

"What if Cisco hadn't been there?" Len asks, glaring at him, because it's something that's been nagging at the back of his mind. Caitlin leaves a lot, and Wells isn't always there anymore; Cisco is usually there, but sometimes he's not, especially if Barry's not out doing his job as the Flash.

Barry frowns. "I didn't think about that."

"No – because you didn't think, did you?"

"What do you want me to say, Len?" Barry asks helplessly, shoulders drooping, and Len doesn't like that look on his face, but he doesn't like the feeling in his chest even more.

"There's nothing you can say, because I know you're always going to throw yourself into harm's way," Len says thickly, feeling his own shoulders slouch. "And that's what makes you you, kid, so I don't expect you to change, just – be more careful from now on, please."

Barry stares at him for a moment, before he nods and slides closer to Len. The kid's arms are warm around him, the chill lingering on his skin falling away finally. "I'm sorry, Len," Barry says quietly, lips pressed against Len's shoulder as the hug tightens. "I didn't mean to worry you. There wasn't time to do anything else; by the time I noticed the gas at all, it was almost to Joe. I didn't think. I'm sorry."

Len takes in a shuddering breath, bringing his own arms up and around the kid. He doesn't have words, so he says nothing, and instead just holds onto the speedster. They stand like that for a moment, before Barry pulls away, and Len reluctantly lets him.

"I'll try not to be as reckless in the future," the kid offers.

Len sighs. "Alright, Scarlet. But you're still grounded."

Barry laughs faintly. "Alright, Len. Whatever you say."

"Whatever I say, huh?"

The kid's eyes widen. "Um..."

Len smirks. "I'll keep that in mind. Right now, though, I bet you're starving."

Barry blinks at him sheepishly.

"We're going to eat as soon as you take a shower," Len tells him. "And you should call Joe and let him know you're okay – he was worried."

"Were you and him... nice to each other?" Barry asks incredulously.

"I can be nice," Len defends, though he does release a small chuckle. "But yes, actually – we were civil."

They both had a common interest, and that was Barry's well-being. They didn't talk, or really even bond, while they were waiting for the kid to wake up, but there was a certain understanding there that hadn't been there before. When Joe left, he had this look in his eyes, and Len nodded – he'd keep an eye on Barry, and in that moment, Joe West trusted him enough to leave him at his son's side while he checked on Iris.

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