So-Called Shy Girl + Popular Player Guy 12

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Ok ok chapter 12 yay!!!! Thank you pplz for reading my book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D I added pictures!!!!!!!!


Scarlett's POV

"Scarlett I think you know what's happening and I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner," My mom said. She always did this and I always forgave her, but this time I felt like slapping her. "We're moving in two days, you have time to say your goodbyes." I heard my mom say before I ran upstairs.

I didn't want to move. I never wanted to move, but yet I have to. I started taking out the clothes that I really liked and put them on the bed. I took deep breaths to keep the sobs from coming out. I couldn't hold it in anymore a sob came out and tears started to stream down. I fell on my knees and placed my hands over my face. I felt like I was slapped in the face when my mom said I was moving. I wiped my tears away and sat on my bed. I opened my phone and looked through my contacts. I took my jacket and went out.

"Mom I'm going out I'll be back later bye," I said before I ran out the door. I realized it was raining, I didn't care. I was walking over to Max's apartment, I had to ask him something. I ran over there and was there in a couple of minutes.

"Max I need to ask you something important," I said trying to breath. I placed my hands on his shoulders.

"What?" He said, his face was full of concern. I need him to be there for me.

"Max, I'm moving in 2 days and I need you. I mean like I want you to come with me, I haven't told anyone, but you and right now I just need a. . . a friend," I looked away when I said friend. I knew Max didn't want to be known as a friend, but in my eyes he was.

"Alright, I'll go, but go pack right now and I'll spend the night in the guestroom 'kay?" Max said, I smiled and hugged him. I nodded in reply and left. I have to walk past Nick's house to get to mine. I sighed and kept on walking. I opened my phone and called Brittany, I needed to get something from her. I walked past Nick's house and stopped when I saw Brittany and Nick I hid behind a tree.

"Nick please give me a chance! You don't need that slut! Grr what does that slut want now!?" I heard Brittany say. My mouth opened in shock, Brittany was probably only my friend because she knew I was with Nick. I looked back at Brittany she was holding onto Nick's arm. I hung up the phone."Great she hung up! As I was saying Nick, please stay with me! You don't need her at all. She never wanted to be with you in the first place! I can give you everything you ever wanted!"

Nick raised an eyebrow and sighed. He walked closer to Brittany and kissed her, Brittany looked satisfied and made the kiss deeper and passionate. My heart broke in half it was already bad enough that I moved, but now this. The rain hid the tears streaming down my face. I couldn't take it anymore, I walked right past them. I looked back and saw that Nick noticed me and his eyes opened wide. I ran away and looked back to see Brittany staring at me with a smirk on her face. Nick ran after me and grabbed my wrist, I stood still.

"Let go of me now!" I yelled at Nick.

"I won't, why should I? You're still mine," Nick asked. I turned around and smiled; a sad smile.

"Yeah sure, I'm your little toy! 'Cause that's what I was in your eyes wasn't I? Well I'll say one last thing to you! I'm so happy that I'm moving now, I'm so happy that your no longer in my life!!! Oh and one last thing, I liked you, I really really liked you! Maybe even loved, but I guess I was wrong," I yelled at him, slapping the words into his face. He looked hurt, isn't that what he gets? He deserved it long ago. He let go of me and I walked away with even more tears.

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