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So, I've decided to continue writing this story, it would really help if you could give me some ideas thanks!

Zoe's POV
When we got back to school, I started my plan to get Ben and Erica together. First, I would start flirting a lot with Ben so I could make Erica jealous enough to maybe make a move on Ben, then I will come up with something else because I haven't planned that far yet.
I walked in the to the cafeteria and found Ben, Jawa, and Chip already there. Erica was sitting alone again, though I wasn't surprised. I figured the sooner I start my plan then the sooner they could be together, "Hey guys!" I said. "Hi Zoe" they replied at the same time. I sat down and started to eat my lunch, we were silent for a while so I decided to take action. "I'm cold" I mumbled rubbing my shoulders to convince them more, "here I don't really need it" Ben said, handing his sweater over to me, "thanks Ben" I replied fluttering my eyelashes, but Ben being Ben was oblivious to my actions.

Ben's POV
I was thinking about Erica when Zoe sat beside me saying that she was cold, so because I was a good friend I gave her my sweater maybe it was just my imagination but I thought she fluttered her eyelashes as I gave her the sweater.

Erica's POV
I had bugged Ben's table when he started at Spy School in case of emergencies, but for fun yes I do things for fun, I decided to listen in on their conversation. "-cold" I heard Zoe say then I saw Ben give her his sweater, I was kind of jealous but I shook it off, I'm not supposed to have feelings for him anymore! Then I saw Zoe flutter her eyelashes at Ben who did she think was? Good thing Ben didn't seem to notice though. Because I told Ben I couldn't be in a relationship it seemed that Zoe was making a move on him and I could do nothing about since I basically pushed Ben into her arms by being cold to him and not wanting to be in a relationship. I stood up and walked out of the cafeteria.

Ben's POV
I turned around to see Erica walk out of the cafeteria even though lunch wasn't over, I knew something was wrong but I didn't go after her since I didn't want to invade her space or her privacy. But I couldn't stand not being there for her so I got up and decided to go after her. I saw some raven black hair whip around a corner so I sped up, "Erica! Please wait!" I yelled hoping to get her attention, it worked she turned around and said "what do you want?" She asked very icily. I didn't know why she was being this way. "I just want to talk" I said, she replied with "why don't you talk to Zoe?"
"I want to talk to you, I want to know what's wrong"
"Nothings wrong Ben, just leave me alone!"
"Look I just want to help but since you don't want help then I'll leave you alone, I'll never talk to you again!"
I was hoping to hear a wait or Ben that's not what I meant but I got nothing, I stormed back to my dorm.

Erica's POV
"Look I just want to help but since you don't want help then I'll leave you alone, I'll never talk to you again!"
That hurt me I really wanted to call him so I could apologize but instead I let him storm off. I walked back to my dorm and sat down on my bed, Ben usually never got angry but I guess there's a first time for everything.

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