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Erica's POV
Me and Ben talked for the rest of the afternoon and finally so exhausted that we fell asleep while cuddling. I woke up to Ben's arms around me and my head resting on Ben's chest. I quickly pried his arms off me and got off of him, he woke up while I was doing this and even though he was still half asleep he looked hurt by my actions, "Ben, we need to get up! Class starts in 15 minutes and if we don't get up we'll look suspicious being late, everyone is going to piece the things to together that we did something together!" I basically yelled. "Woah, calm down Erica , I'm up!"
I quickly jumped out of bed and got ready to slip out of his room without being seen, but right before I could Ben said "Erica, do you think we should announce our relationship to everyone? I mean if you don't want to then we could keep it a secret"
"I'm not sure but could we keep it a secret for now?"
"Sure, whatever makes you happy, I guess"
Ben looked  disappointed since he wouldn't be able to tell anyone, almost all the boys at Spy School had a crush on me so, being able to announce to the whole school that he was dating me would make everyone jealous. Then a thought came to me, and that was Zoe... what would she do?

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