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Erica's POV
I thought maybe if I gave Ben a hug or something it would calm him down and he could forgive me, so I walked to his dorm and knocked on his door, he didn't answer right away but when he did and when he saw me his eyes widened. He looked like he had been crying.

Ben's POV
I was thinking that maybe I should move on from Erica, she'll never be ready she even forgot to sit at our table even though I asked her to and she said yes. Then I heard a knock on my door, to my surprise it was Erica, maybe she's here to apologize! I thought, wait, Erica would never apologize, never mind.

Erica's POV
I walked into his room and gave him a hug, he stiffened at first, but soon he melted into the hug and started crying, I patted his back and didn't know what to do, I wasn't a fan of hugging or comforting but I tried my best. "I'm sorry Ben I shouldn't have pushed you away every time, will you forgive me?" I asked.

Ben's POV
"I'm sorry Ben I shouldn't have pushed you away every time will you forgive me?" She asked. "Yes, I'll forgive you" I reluctantly replied. I couldn't stay mad at her, though I have to ask her a question, "why did you hug me?"
" and please don't say you owed me, because I know that's not true"
" Ben I hugged you because... I'm sorry for the way I treated you.
"Oh... wait what?!"
This has to be a dream, The Great and Amazing Erica Hale is sorry?! I wasn't thinking straight, so I leaned in and kissed her but when I was about to pull away she deepened the kiss, she pushed me against the wall and we made out for 15 minutes, I only realized that later because whenever Erica is around my sense of time doesn't work. I don't really remember what happened next but I think we fell asleep.

Erica's POV
I groggily woke up and realized I was snuggled up against Ben and that he had his arms around me, we were in his bed (no dirty thoughts please😉) it was then that I realized what had happened, he kissed me and we made out. Uh oh what's everyone gonna think?

Ben's POV
I woke up to Erica beside me and awake lost in thought, "hey, you okay?"
I just realized something...
"Erica I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable I will do it again please forgive me!"
"No Ben, it's okay, but...
Thank god I thought 💭
"But what?"
"Um what?"
She took a big breath and said "I think I'm ready for a relationship with you"
"But you said you weren't ready just a few days ago?"
"I know, and I should have said this sooner but I like you Ben, I really do."
"Will you be my girlfriend Erica?"
"Yes, I will"
"Erica do you like me?"
"Uh I just said that I like you"
"Good, because I don't like you"

Erica's POV
"Good, because I don't like you" my heart felt like it was breaking into pieces, then he kissed me "I don't like you" he said again, "then why wou" I was cut off by him saying "I don't like you, I love you and I always have." Aww that was cheesy but it was really cute.

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