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Ben's POV
Once I was healed, Erica and Zoe started to get annoyed at each other for some reason, and Erica has been kinda nice all of a sudden.

Zoe's POV
I hoped my plan would work, it was to get Erica and Ben together, I liked Ben but he would be better off with Erica, plus I kinda liked Mike ( pretend that mike is already at spy school) .

Erica's POV
After the girl talk me and Zoe had I started to understand if I didn't like Ben Zoe would date him and I didn't want that to happen. So I started to be nicer to Ben hoping that he would like me again. "Hey Erica you want to sit at our table today?" Ben asked. "How could I say no?" I blurted out, as soon as I realized what I said I started blushing like mad.

I hope you enjoyed I had to rush this because I didn't have time sorry!

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