the end

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Hello, It's me rain :) how have you all been to lately? I'm sure all of you have been pretty well even without this book.

A lot of you might've expected this sooner or later, but yes. I'm quitting this book. I started this book when I was 15 years old, young and impulsive. My writing made me cringe, my behavior in this book made me gag. It wasn't the me that I like.

After months of hiatus and quitting the kpop stan life, I've now understand that this book was my big mistake but also a blessing. I made good friends from this book, and reading all of your comments once bought joy to my life. It's not any of your faults whatsoever, It's just I've thought about this for months now and I'm sorry for making an unfinished book.

Joining a new fandom shed some light to me, it made me realize that everyone has boundaries, and not everyone is comfortable with having a gay/shipping fanfic about them. I'm truly regretful but writing a book about people in real life had make me uncomfortable, and I'm so sorry about writing this book when even I'm not sure of nct's boundaries.

There's a lot of things in the kpop world that now I'm so uncomfortable with, and this is one of them. 

I'm also sorry for writing a story about chenle and jisung when both of them were underage boys, I really am :/

My advice for you all, just remember that all of us have boundaries and while some are comfortable of having a fanfic written for them, not all like the idea. Remember that you are a human before you are a kpop stan, and that idol is a human too before they are an idol. You're also not their friends, don't act like you know them, because you don't. 


If you'd like to be friends with me, should i create a discord server? just asking :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2022 ⏰

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