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This time Jungkook's dishes were gaining a positive evaluation. Jisoo kept on praising his extraordinary cooking skill. Jinyoung just smiled and complimented that Jungkook has progressed greatly in his cooking. It was only Lisa who used her action of finishing two bowl of rice to praise his cooking....

After the lunch, the four people had a green tea and a chat in the living room.

"I remember during our study in senior high school, he probably just taller than me about four centimeter. We were in quite same heights. Until it was university, I started to not grow anymore. However, he kept on growing year by year and stopped during the final year of university life. At last, he is eleven centimeter taller than me." Jinyoung talked about Jungkook's height.

Jisoo said: "To keep on growing, it seems to related to do sport."

"Regarding sport activities, I also did it the same portion as him." Jinyoung patted Jungkook's shoulders, "It is obvious that the Heaven gives preferential treatment on him."

"Chief Song, you are also not that short." Jisoo said hurriedly.

"No man like the other man to be taller than himself." Jinyoung said, "I frequently think that if I am as tall as him, then a lot of women would like me. They would have a sense of security around me."

The one who kept on silent started to speak: "Isn't your fate in having relationship with opposite sex always be better than me?"

"It's normal for you to have that misconception because you always neglect the condition of your surrounding."Jinyoung said and looked at Lisa, he smiled and explained: "His fate in relationship is not worse than me, but he is a quick on in filtering. To mention it, you are the first woman that is able to communicate and interact intimately with him."

Lisa looked at the man beside her. That man was busy examining the tea leaves on the cup.

Jiaoo couldn't help but to sigh: "Then conclude it, Jungkook is a blank of white sheet in the relationship."

Jinyoung nodded: "Since little, he rarely interacted with woman. During his youth, he rarely go to hang out with girls. Not to mention those special magazines or DVD, it is a real unfamiliar territory for him. Even when we are out and encountered a sexy girls, he also just ignored them."

Ignored? Lisa just remembered what happened in the kitchen....

"He is more interested in looking at the sample of the animals then look at the girls."

Jisoo once again concluded: "He is really an innocent one."

Jinyoung sipped his tea, and approved: "Completely."

Jisoo suddenly be inspired to do something: "Jungkook, are you sure that you like woman?"

It was also the concern inside Lisa's heart, her ears were already pricked up.

"Really sure." Jungkook said it then placed down the cup. He stood up, "I will go to the restroom, you guys just chat first."

"Today Jungkook seems to be a bit strange." Jinyoung said, "His cooking of sweet and sour pork tasted a bit sweet than usual, he definitely put more sugar than usual. This never happened before."

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