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Lisa looked at Jungkook. He was a bit strange, he went outside then when he returned, he just stayed silent and drank his tea. She couldn't help but asked: "What were you doing before?"

"It's too stuffy here. I came out to get some fresh air." He answered.

"But isn't it chilly outside?" She was in doubt.

"Really? I didn't pay attention to it."


Jungkook pushed away his cup, then looked at the person in front of him. He shifted the topic of conversation: "Where were we before?"

"We were just confessing to each other before."

"Yes. Then next let's practice a small talk between couple."

"Such as?"

"Every time my father says that he is tired, my mother would come over and smiled. She would say, "Close your eyes, I will help massage your legs."


"Before my father's birthday, my mother would ask him what he would like. He would say that I just want you to be by my side more to accompany me read books."

"Then, what else?"

"For maintaining figure, my mother would just eat fruits for every night. My father couldn't bear to see it, so he would complain with his low voice. "I don't want to hug a bone to sleep."

"Hearing this we could say that they are really love each other very much."

"Right, he is too clingy to her."

"Your papa is too clingy to your mama?"


Because of genetic, a kid may inherited a half gene from the father and half from her mother. Some habits and details would be influenced and let the kid temper, perceptions, and choices to be very similar whether with father or mother.

Could this mean that after marriage Jungkook also would be clingy to his wife?

Lisa was thinking about it. What would this one hundred ninety meters man look like when he is clingy to his wife? She thinks it would appear to be very good.

"What are you thinking?" He asked.

"I'm thinking. Your Papa is much older than your Mama, and he is clingy to your mama. Is your mama finding it a bit exhausting?"

"How could it be? She is his wife, she loves him and respects him. Of course she would be very happy to give time for him?"

"You seem to think that women naturally have subordinate status, it's a right and proper for them to serve men."

It seemed that Lisa was having a wrong idea....

He pretended to consider it for a while: "I mean it should be bilateral. It's not a master-slave relationship. It is about the depth of the relationship. A couple that wouldn't willing be separated, would be the one that enter a marriage. Since they married because that reason, then after marriage they would be bound with each other. They would give their time and share their secret willingly to each other, right?"

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