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Lisa found the Missing You Everyday"'s lyric on the computer.

This song for those who frequently heard it repeatedly and detailed, this song could be the hope for young people. It is song for pursuing bright days and encouragement, it also could be the song for lovers to mutually express one's feeling.

"Then I would start." Lisa cleared her throat and looked at Jungkook, who was leaning on the sofa. "Are you ready?"

"I don't have to prepare anything." He said.

Lisa was silent, and she pressed her mouse, but there was no sound came out.

Probably after half minute, Jungkook asked: "What is the problem?"

"No problem." Lisa looked at the screen, like she was in the KTV. She pretended to be surrounded with a lot of people, and sang it naturally.

"When I stand for a long time in the front of the window and look for your disappearing figure, every time my heart beat, could you hear it..."

"You could see our two hearts. If only you are willing to go forward, missing you everyday. Everyday I ask myself, when could I tell you that I miss you everyday. Everyday I keep my heart, and leave the best for you."

"Give my best part of my heart for you."


She completely focused on singing it, she sang it without any music. But her voice was so smooth clear and melodious. He clearly enjoyued the song.

Her voice in the final song was somewhat sweet, it made the bitterness taste of the tea inside his mouth to disappear.

When she was done, he asked to sing it one more time.

The time she sang for the second time, he got up from the sofa and directly went to her side.

She was embarrassed and at a complete loss, she broke off the song, and raised her head to looked at his approach: "What are you doing?"

He lowered his eyes and swept past the scattered and smashed sunshine, then showed an amber color. He answered her properly: "I look at the lyric to see whether you sing it correctly or not."

Lisa didnb't know whether to believe him or not.

He leant over. One of his palm propped up on her little desk, and looked at the screen seriously. And at random said: "There was a long period of time, my father was in bad health condition, he needed to stay at home to recover. Every night, my mother would personally feed him. After the dinner, she would sing this song for him, he was very happy to hear it."

"Is your father well now?"

"He still be like that, it's coming and going. Because he is old, so it's naturally unable to recover well.

Lisa recalled Jinyoung's words. Jungkook's father spent thirty years of his life alone before encountered Jungkook's mother. His mother is the second-wife of his father, but they love each other.

"My father is already seventy nine years old, he is twenty years older than my mother." He spoke about it bluntly, it's very calm.

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