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Everyone said that the clear lake is not as good as the rainy lake, rainy lake is not as good as the night lake. But this moment Lisa looked at the distant lake shore, she just felt it was too far. This moment the atmosphere was full of dangerous cold, it let people to unable to appreciate the night view of the lake.

The boat swayed on the lake.

Jungkook's words were echoed on her ear side.

"I know you are kidding." Lisa forced a smile to him, she attempted to amend the awkward atmosphere.

"If you insist on your thinking that," He said, "This night let's just stay for a night here."


The night was clear without any moonlight, yet there were stars. The little delicate stars were shining on this man's eyes. He was like an art status, shining and let people unable to shift the gaze from his side.

Lisa lowered her head, and exhaled a breath slightly. She was slightly annoyed. But this sentence was on her heart, how couldn't she just say it?

"I like you" for him, it just a script between couple, but for her, yet it was the truth.

She was unwilling to say this valuable expression.

"It seems that you are very twisted." Jungkook observed her every body languages, "Is this too hard to say this sentence?"

Lisa gathered her courage to raise her head, and looked at his eyes. This moment compare to her eight years old experience of getting on the stage, she was more nervous now: "Kookie, I....."

"I like you." He helped her easily to complete the sentence.

Lisa's brain was blank, her heart was like being pulled slightly.

"You could repeat after me."

She looked at his eyes slightly changed. This is the first time he changed his expression in front of her.

He looked to be disappointed but not insisted on it again.

"I like you." Lisa repeated again cunningly.

Jungkook nodded. Then he easily opened the box of pastries again: "Just let it go, it seems that you are more interested in food. What do you want to eat again?"

.... Toward her, he already in complete disappointment?

"I'm not hungry now." Lisa's heart was in complexion.

"You can eat as much as you can." Jungkook took a green pastry, and fed to her mouth: "Open."

Lisa bit it, then shook her head: "I really couldn't eat anymore."

Jungkook retreated his hand, and without any disgust he finished the pastry that she bit before.

It seemed she was disappointment for him. When people was in a disappointment state, they usually would do something that contradicted with what they usually do. For instance, for someone that always pays attention to hygiene and has slightly mild obsession for cleanliness, he unexpectedly would neglect that obsession and eat that pastry that she had bit befroe.

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