Chapter 23

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The breeze atop the Eiffel Tower was mild, to put it best. Neither too cold nor too harsh; yet it still shifted the blond locks upon Adrien's head. His cheeks held a slight flush, though it was unseen with the onyx mask covering the upper half of his face.

"The sky looks beautiful, doesn't it?" Luka asked hushedly.

The hero's emerald eyes gazed upwards, admiring the sky that was beginning to gain an orange hue. Sunset was due to come soon. Curious sparkles lit up his irises when he spotted a dozen or so stars beginning to pop into existence above them both. However, they also seemed to break him out of his stupor, and with a quiet sigh, he shifted to turn to Luka.

Only for the teen to already be staring at him.

Luka chuckled in a light-hearted manner at the surprise that morphed into his expression. Then, with a smile still dancing across his lips, questioned, "You're probably wondering how exactly a relationship would work between us all, right?"

Chat nodded. Coursing through his body was a dash of anxiousness as he replied, "It's just... I've never been in a relationship with anyone before, never mind with two people. It's kinda- worrying to know I have to take two people into account to l-love at the same time." Those last few words were spoken in a whisper.

"Chat Noir, don't feel like we have to rush anything," his friend assured. "You're probably most nervous about being placed straight into mine and Marinette's existing relationship, right? Well, it isn't a relationship yet - officially, anyway - and... relationships have to be built on love and trust between one another. I'm afraid that me and you... we haven't known each other long enough to even think about being with each other romantically."

Once again, he nodded in agreement, and silence relapsed once more. During this, Chat placed a clawed hand beneath his chin, pondering what had just been told to him. He tilted his head, and his cat ears flicked in accordance with the action.

"Marinette's told me about your time together, y'know," Luka suddenly said, softly smiling with closed eyes. "Even before we started dating. The best part about those talks was listening to her heart's tune when she spoke about you. It sounded so... cheerful, so flowing. It's hard to put into words but- it sounded a little like this."

He smoothly placed the guitar previously attached to his back in his lap. With a few experimental strums at its strings, and a quick twist of some tuning knobs, he glanced up and asked, "May I?"

Chat nodded; his whole being full of intrigue.

And so he began to play.

At first, the music was dull - monotonous in nature and lacking the usual zing (as Chat could best describe it) that music usually held. But then, in a moment's notice, it had changed completely. Slow strums were replaced by cheerful ones, and the notes overall became higher in pitch and volume. Sprinkled throughout the symphony were slight hiccups and stumbles, and yet they were all a key component to it all in the first place.

It was all at once that Chat realised; this was Marinette.

Those stumbles were representative of her clumsiness - out of nowhere but still endearing in his eyes. The happiness laced throughout the tune sent the mental images of her joyous expressions rushing across his mind. The highs and the lows, the dull and the bright. Everything of what Luka was playing practically radiated Marinette. It matched her essence perfectly.

When the music ended a minute or so later, Adrien still had to wait a few seconds to catch his lost breath before speaking. "It's... beautiful."

"That's what I thought too," Luka mused, and with an almost teasing smile sent the blond's way, he carried on, "But recently, I heard a tune that's even prettier."

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