Chapter 14

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Ladybug threw her yo-yo upwards and pulled, causing her to swing in Luka's direction. She grabbed him from the ground in a swift movement, and proceeded to travel to a rooftop above.

After settling him safely onto the building, she turned back around, finding Chat Blanc glaring their way. The sight alone made her gulp.

"Lucky Charm!"

The familiar sensation of power flowed through her veins, as she tossed her spotted weapon straight above and into the air. Little ladybugs spun in a swirl before forming an item and dropping it into her hands.

"A-A teapot?" Marinette stuttered in confusion, looking over the object with a furrowed brow.

Adrien let out a cackle from where he was on the floor. His hand soon lifted up and aimed at the blue-haired teens. Destructive energy tingled at the tips of his claws.

"And how do you think you're going to defeat me with that, Bugaboo?" her partner taunted. "Going to stir up a solution to this?"

Ladybug grit her teeth in concentration. She scanned about, tilting her head to aid in the search. That was when she took a moment to comprehend his words.


The heroine gasped quietly in realisation, snapping her head up. Images of an old man with a greying beard and Hawaiian shirt filtered through her mind.

A smirk tugged at her lips.

Chat Blanc resisted the urge to step back at her expression, and instead he decided to say, "Fine, choose not to fight. It'll make it all the more easier to get to my Princess."

With that statement, he snatched the baton from the belt around his waist. The tip of it glowed an eerie purple, until he pressed the paw-shaped button on the surface of the staff.

A beam of violet shot their way. Ladybug blocked it with a few twirls of her yo-yo, before landing in front of him on smooth cement.

The duo exchanged kicks and punches, whilst they both attempted to knock each other over. Civilians crowded around cheered for the female in a chant, phones recording in their hands.

Chat growled beneath his breath, pushing harder with more heated blows at the shouts of the Parisians. Marinette edged backwards a few steps at his aggressive assault.

Eventually, the akuma managed to spin his weapon in a fast circle, then extend it into Ladybug's body. She was launched back onto a pavement metres away, and a pain settled itself on her shoulder from the impact.

The girl moaned. She picked herself up from the ground, whipping her head to make eye contact with Luka on a rooftop nearby. That was when she noticed that he was pointing in the direction opposite of what she was currently facing.

Marinette chanced a glance there, only to see a portion of the River Seine reflecting the sun's rays off of its surface. She gazed again at Adrien, who was looking back with a twist of the lips that clearly hinted at a smidge of smugness.

His pinned cat ears pointed above to where Luka was, and when catching sight of the guitarist, he glared with sharp fangs menacingly glinting.

Wait, he's providing a distraction, Ladybug noted. And he wants me to do something with the River Seine...?

Her eyes wandered over to the water again, and back to her partner. Then, an epiphany came to mind.

"Hey, Chat Noir!"

Chat jerked his head to her with a growl. "That's not who I am anymore! I am-"

He cut himself off when seeing the hero chuck her yo-yo at a lamppost, and swing his way. A grin stretched across his features, as he spun his baton as a shield in the place where she would be.

At least, where he thought so.

Instead, Marinette slid along the ground between his legs, ending up crouched right behind him. She kicked out beneath Adrien's feet, and watched as he tripped to her level.

Her figure performed a flip to stand back on the ground again, as she tied up his form with her endless string. Then, a grunt escaped her mouth as she twisted and pulled hard with her aim being the Seine.

Chat Blanc flew across the sky in a blur, and a loud splash echoed when he was dunked heavily into the large body of water.

Ladybug sighed in relief, and swung like a pendulum towards Luka. She held out a hand, and watched as he took it with his before she jumped off of the building with her friend and a throw of her yo-yo.

"Are you okay?" she breathed, panting lightly from the excursion of energy needed to run and fight her partner.

"Yes," the teen answered. "But, Ladybug, you have to leave me and go to Marinette."

The designer almost froze, yet held off the urge to. She instead exhaled when spotting a familiar massage parlour in the distance, and sprinted fast towards it.

"Shouldn't you be more worried about yourself?" she found herself asking. "I'm sure Marinette can keep herself safe."

"I don't think she can," Luka voiced, glancing down with a worried expression. "Ladybug, please, you have to go and protect her."

Said person blushed pink, as she landed in an alley on the street beside a certain parlour.

"I-I can't! I have to make sure you're safe."

The guitarist gained a sad look, before gazing to the side. "Okay, but I'm going to make sure Chat Blanc doesn't get to her."

He turned to leave, but Marinette held his arm back with the exclamation of, "Wait!"

A beeping sound echoed around them, emanating from her earrings. She placed a finger on them, and flickered her eyes around in hesitance.

However, she soon gained a resolute look.

"Ladybug, you need to get out of here. You'll detransform."

The heroine smiled. "I know. That's the point."

The beeping became shrill and sped up for a few moments, then a blinding pink flash shone around them. Luka covered his sight with his arms as a reflex.

There were a few seconds of silence, as a hand touched his arm gently.

"You can open your eyes."

As he did so, he couldn't help them widening whilst taking in who was standing there in front of him.


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