Chapter 6

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There was a tense silence in the classroom, where Marinette and Chloe were the centre of attention by the rest of the students - mainly because they were situated right beside each other.

However, the quiet was soon broken by Alya who snapped, "Chloe! What on Earth are you doing next to my best friend!"

Chloe snorted. "Best friend?"

The blonde had an expression of utter amusement, yet there was an underlying layer of anger beneath the veil of emotion.

Alya, unlike the rest of the class, was oblivious to the laughter in the girl's eyes as she retorted, "Yeah, best friend! Unlike the brat that bullied her for years!"

Before Chloe could defend herself, or point out the illogical claim the auburn had stated, Marinette interrupted with, "Actually Alya, I decided to sit here."

"Wha-?" Alya gaped. "But I'm your bestie! You've sat with me since when I first started this school!"

"First of all, I don't remember sitting beside you for the past few weeks. After all, practically everyone in this class forced me to move to the back," Marinette reminded, not missing the guilty faces of many of her ex-friends.

"Second, you yourself denounced our friendship just yesterday, so I think that makes it very clear how our relationship actually is."

"What! I didn't mean tha-"

"Yes you did, Alya!"

Not expecting the sudden retaliation, the students who had previously been looking down in shame glanced up at the slam of Marinette's hand on the table.

She was standing up now, staring at Alya through narrowed eyes. "You definitely meant it."

Marinette turned her head to the rest of the class, meeting each of their gazes. "Friends don't suddenly denounce their friendship because of a liar. Friends don't ostracize someone without getting their opinion on the matter," she said in a matter-of-fact tone, leaving no room for argument.

There was ice in her voice when she lastly declared, "Friends don't abandon someone for the next best thing."

At the last statement, Rose, who had shrunk back seconds before at the bluenette's proclamation, worked up the courage to ask, "But why are you sitting next to Chloe of all people?"

The question was met with agreement from the surrounding teens, one being Nino. "Didn't she ruin your birthday present for Miss Bustier?"

"She stole your diary!"

"She framed you for calling the Fire Department!"

Marinette cut off the noise emanating from the crowd with a single hand held up. Everyone was all at once silent.

"At least I can expect her to harass me. Unlike the rest of you who actively tried to ruin my life thanks to a few crocodile tears from some liar."

"But we didn't do anyth-"

"Let me cut you off right there Alya," Marinette said. "Remember when you tried to ruin my sketchbook?"

Alya's eyes widened, but she didn't have time to comment as her classmate continued on. "Remember when you tried to convince my parents that I bullied Lila, to get me expelled again?"

Mylene, with her shoulders held by Ivan, turned to give Alya a look of disbelief. So did several other pupils.

"You're arguably worse than Chloe. To her, I'm someone who she knows is used to her behaviour. However, to all of you, you knew that I would've stood up for you, have done so many favours for you without anything in return, and yet you still turned your backs on me."

With that, Marinette sat back down beside the Mayor's daughter, who, despite having been insulted by the majority of the people in the room, gave her a smile of gratitude.

Marinette placed a hand on her shoulder, returning the beam, before removing her arm and starting to sketch on her new sketchbook.

Chloe took her focus away from the female residing next to her, and sneered at the classmates that were still stood at the door in shock.

"What are you waiting for - forgiveness? Go on! Get a move on to your seats!"

She raised her hand in a shooing motion, much to the anger of everyone else.

Alix, followed by Kim and Max, stood forward, parting from the crowd. The skater rung her fingers, saying, "Marinette? We're sorry."

"Me too," Kim agreed.

"All of us are."

The apology was met with nods from the rest, as they themselves spoke up in sorrow.

In response, Marinette didn't even look up from her sketching and instead answered with a simple, "Okay, I forgive you."

Chloe gave her a look of bewilderment, but it soon turned into a sly grin as she saw the girl's lips twitch upward.

"Really?" Alya exclaimed.

"Yes. But that doesn't mean I want to be your friend again."

The girls and boys deflated simultaneously, except Nino who floundered, "What? But we've been friends since we were kids!"

"Exactly. You, Nino, were one of the ones who went against me, along with Kim, even though you knew me years ago. I can't trust any of you to stay by my side in the future if you all didn't at this moment in time so easily."

Chloe smirked, watching their various expressions change; anger to understanding, shame to defeat and, from Alya, confusion to disbelief.

Many of the Parisians jolted out of their stupor when the bell rang, signifying that the first lesson had started.

"Better get moving, losers. Me and my friend have to focus on the lesson."

Marinette paused in her drawing, giving Chloe a grateful smile.

The blonde only returned it, pride sparkling in her vibrant blue eyes.

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