Chapter 17

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"I'm sorry about the distraction, Princess. It seems that Hawk Moth is an impatient man."

Marinette took her eyes off of Viperion. She scanned over Chat Blanc, and let out a sigh when the purple symbol wasn't seen to be hovering over his face anymore. "It's okay."

He grinned, giving her a flash of his pointed fangs. With an unusual sort of enthusiasm, he walked over to the railings at the edge of the platform that they were on. "May this knight ask what's on his Princess's mind?"

A blush threatened her cheeks. "Oh, I uhh, was just thinking about how you'd protect me in the first place, that's all!"

Adrien leaned his leather-clad arms on the metal before him. "Well, I've already saved you from one person that you're not safe with. That should make getting revenge on your class a whole lot easier."

She found her brows furrowing. "Wait, what? Who?"

The akuma chuckled. "Luka, of course. He would've been quite the nuisance if I hadn't stopped him from interfering with my plan, or hurting you anymore."

"W-What? He, he wasn't hurting me! That was you!"

His back straightened. He turned to meet her gaze, and she fought off a flinch when taking in his now emotionless eyes.

"You were controlling him that whole time, Chat!" Marinette spoke. "Luka didn't hurt me then, and he never will."

Quiet footsteps echoed on the Eiffel Tower, as Chat Blanc made his way forward in the girl's direction. She stepped back a short distance, and it seemed that he had caught the action with the way his eyes snapped to the floor.

"...I'm afraid you're wrong, my Princess," he finally said, whilst placing a chilled hand on her shoulder. "I didn't control Luka. I simply made him speak out his thoughts."

There was a weight crushing her lungs. "What?" she breathed, before gaining a surge of confidence. "No, that's not the truth. I know that he would never even dream of all those things."

In a quick movement, he enveloped her in strong arms, with her head pressed against his shoulder. Warmth seeped back into his tone as he consoled, "It's hard to believe, I know, but you're going to have to trust what I say."

"But what you did to Luka was wrong, Chat! You're lying!"

The one holding her close froze. The claws of the hand wrapped around her pricked at the skin of her arm. She couldn't help but gulp silently, with her eyes shut tight.

Adrien grit his teeth. He inhaled through his nostrils for a few seconds, then let out a shaky breath. "The way you say that implies that I'm like her, doesn't it?"

Marinette pursed her lips. Her silence was all the answer he needed.

"I won't ever hurt you like she dared to do, Princess. I'll make sure of it," he growled lowly, pulling her into a protective embrace. It was as if he was shielding her from the world - keeping her only to himself.

There was a nudge at her purse. The baker glanced down in worry, however soon snapped her head back up when a noise caught her attention.

Chat Blanc was purring.

A cold hand sifted through her flowing locks, whilst another made its way around her waist and brought her into him even more.


His response was a casual hum, giving the hint that all his previous anger had been drained away.

"I-I'm sorry..." she found herself apologising. "I- you're nothing like Lila, I promise. It's just that, well, what Luka said was..."

Marinette gazed down with a small frown. She didn't notice the quick flash of remorse that passed her partner's eyes, as he looked down at her in his arms.

In an unusually soothing voice, he said, "It's okay, my Princess. I understand. What Luka said must have been...terrible." The last word escaped him in a whisper.

"I...I still don't think that he would think all of those things though..." she mused quietly, before feeling a harsh grip on her shoulder. The teen winced, glancing up again to see Chat Blanc with an akuma symbol lighting up his features for a second time.

"I said that I'd get that stupid miraculous," he snarled, his eyes unfocused and not on her. Taking a chance, she moved back to exit his hold, and sighed in relief when he didn't react.

"So? I want to talk with my Princess now. Not fight Ladybug."

Bluebell orbs shot up to see Viperion on a metal foundation above. They wavered when remembering who was under the costume - Luka - but soon chose to inspect his movements carefully.

He indicated to the railings at the edge of the platform with his head. She nodded in understanding. Then her eyes scanned over Chat Blanc nearby, who was now kneeling with a flickering symbol.

"I won't get them now!" he hissed between clenched teeth.

All of a sudden, the purple floating in front of his face glowed brighter. He arched his back, clutching his head with his hands as pain shook through his whole body.

A million thoughts zipped through the designer's mind. She choked back a whimper at the sight of him in agony. Her flats clacked as they inched back out of instinct. Soon, a railing made contact with her form.

Warm arms settled themselves around her - scooping her up from the ground. Wind whistled past as she processed that the pavements below were getting closer and closer.


"It's okay, Marinette," he hushed softly. "Let's just..."

A second later and she was placed on stable floor again. The empty pavements about were lined with bright lampposts, that lit up the night sky blanketing them in darkness. Stars twinkled in colours of yellow and white.

The female turned the opposite way of him, her palms sweaty and posture hunched. A breeze forced a chill to wrack through her.

"My Melody?"

She bit her lip. Her eyes became glossy with emotion. "You know, I used to like you calling me that," she said in a level tone.

There was a pain in Luka's chest. "Used to?"

"...Before you said all of those things," she admitted. "I...I don't know what to...did, did you really mean any of what our friendship has been? Or did Chat make you say it all? Cause, I-I don't know what to think anymore."

Tikki - who had zipped out and onto her shoulder - hugged the side of her neck with small paws. She shakily smiled, though the kwami's action didn't feel like enough to prepare her for what Viperion would even say.

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