Rory Keaner x Reader - A Birthday to Remember

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Warning! - Mentions of a pocket knife, but nothing gruesome.

(F/C) - Favorite Color

    You were very upset. Today had been a normal, average, regular day. Nothing out of the ordinary had happened: no vampire attacks, no witchy rituals, and no possessed plants. Instead, you went to school, studied in class, and walked home like you usually did.

    Why would this be such a bad thing? Today should not have been a normal day. In fact, it should have been anything but normal because of how special it was. Today was your birthday, and not just any birthday either: your sweet sixteen.

    Despite this, no one seemed to notice. The entire day, your friends carried on with their normal routines. At first, you thought that they were just waiting to celebrate with you in person when you arrived at school, but as the day went on, you realized that nothing was going to happen. You didn't even receive a text message from Ethan, Benny, Sarah, or Erica. All the geeks wanted to do was talk about the release of a new video game while Sarah tried to keep Erica from eating people.

    What hurt worst of all was the fact that you hadn't heard anything from your sweet, lovable vampire boyfriend, Rory, either. You had been talking about it for weeks, so there was no reason for him to forget, especially after everything you had done for him when he turned sixteen a few months ago. You had been looking forward to this monumental birthday for a long time, but now, all you wanted to do was go home and lock yourself in your room so you wouldn't have to face any more disappointment.

    As you trudged onto the front porch of your house, you sighed to yourself as you contemplated your day. You never thought there would be a time when you wished that a monster would have attacked you and your friends, yet here you were. At least your friends would have had a decent excuse for forgetting your birthday, and maybe you wouldn't feel so alone and neglected.

    Once you entered the foyer, you found a small note sitting on the chair where you usually left your backpack. After scanning the quickly scribbled words, you found out that your parents would be working late and therefore wouldn't be home until dinner. You groaned aloud as you tried to come to terms with the fact that you would be spending your sweet sixteenth birthday alone.

    You nearly jumped out of your skin when you heard people scrambling in your kitchen. With your parents at work, you knew that no one should be in the house. In your panic, you grabbed the pocket knife that your father kept hidden in the room in case a situation like this should arise, preparing for the fight of your life.

    Your day just kept getting better and better.

    As you approached the kitchen, you held your breath, desperately trying to hear the intruders. However, they seemed to have gone dead silent since your arrival.

    Maybe you got lucky and they left.

    You took one last deep breath before pushing the door open, poised to strike should the opportunity arise. However, the moment never came.

    "SURPRISE!" your best friends screamed as they jumped out of their hiding places, startling you in the process. You squealed, the high pitch noise ringing through the air as you dropped the knife and clutched your chest.

    "Woah, are you okay?" Rory was by your side in seconds, his voice dripping with concern. He wanted to surprise you, not scare you!

    "Yeah, just trying to restart my heart real quick," you deadpanned, your breathing ragged as you focused on slowing your heart rate. In the background, you could hear your friends laughing at your reaction.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2021 ⏰

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