Benny Weir x Vampire! Reader - Double Negatives Part 2

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Warning!!! - Very slight cursing

    You tried texting and calling Benny for days, but he wouldn't answer. You even tried confronting him at school, but he was always surrounded by Ethan and Sarah who barricaded him from you.

    No matter what you did, you couldn't apologize to the love of your life for hurting him so badly.

    Sometimes, you managed to catch a glimpse of the distressed boy between classes or during lunch. It tore you apart to see just how damaged he truly was. His eyes lost their familiar sparkle, and he never smiled. The boy known for shameless flirting and endless laughter stared emptily at the nothingness before him until he could return to the safety of his house.

    How could you do that to him?

    After the third day of grouchy friends and unanswered phone calls, you finally decided that apologizing at his house would be the best solution. Benny lived with his grandma, and Grandma Weir loved you to death. You figured Sarah and Ethan wouldn't follow Benny to his house, so you would be able to see him.

    Once the last bell rang, you bolted from Whitechapel High. You hadn't drunk any blood since your fallout with Benny, and the blood cravings had been bothering you since fourth period. You wanted to be at your best for your apology, so you figured you would make a quick stop on your way to your boyfriend's house.

    You smirked to yourself as you spotted a fat squirrel rooting around in garbage cans in a secluded ally. You scanned the are quickly for witnesses before sidestepping into the alleyway.

    After months of practice, you caught the squirrel with ease. You bared your fangs and prepared to enjoy the satisfying slush of blood, your teeth just barely breaking the squirrel's skin.

    "Hello, (Y/N)," an all too familiar voice sneered, making you jump to your feet as you threw the squirrel to the ground.

    You stared into the vibrant blue eyes of Jesse Black, a vampire cult leader you and your friends had destroyed only weeks before. Or so you thought.

    Behind him, Jesse's best friend, Gord, appeared as well. You noticed the sharp gleam of his fangs as he sauntered over to the two of you.

    "I thought we killed you both," you deadpanned with a look of annoyance.

    "And I thought you would've wanted something other than squirrels," Jesse nodded towards your aborted lunch, "It's not like you haven't eaten a human before."

    "I'm not like you anymore," you spat, "I don't need to be a monster to feel powerful."

    Gord laughed amusedly. "You think that's what this is about? Feeling powerful? Wow, those losers really did soften you. Honey, I'm more powerful than you ever were."

    "Look, I don't know what you fools are doing or how you're even alive, but you'll be back where you belong soon enough," you threatened.

    "And who's going to stop us? Huh?" Jesse challenged, his blue eyes shining dangerously.

    "Me, obviously," you growled as you lowered yourself into a hunter's crouch.

    "You and what army?" Gord laughed.

    "The same army that kicked your butt the last time we faced off," you growled as your eyes began to glow a bright yellow.

    "We've been around town for longer than you think, (Y/N)," Jesse stated matter-of-factly, "We know about your little fallout with your friends."

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