Ethan Morgan x Vampire! Reader - The Christmas Debacle

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Warnings! - Slight angst, slight neglect from family. These are all very slight, but if these are triggers, please do not read.

    You were exhausted. It was December, and you were tired of helping your family with Christmas preparations.

    Usually, you loved Christmas; in fact, it was your favorite holiday. But everything changed this year after you were turned into a vampire by none other than Jesse Black. Ever since, the Christmas season has done nothing but served as a horrid reminder of how much your life had changed since you transformed.

    Today had been especially horrible. Your parents wanted to take pictures for your family's Christmas cards as soon as you guys got home from a school event. You gulped as soon as they mentioned it, knowing that the one secret you had hidden for several months would be revealed as soon as the camera flashed. Your family hated anything that wasn't normal, so you couldn't just tell them that you were an undead creature of the night.

    You knew it would break your family's heart if you weren't in the photo, but there was no other way.

    "(Y/N), come on, let's go take the picture by the tree quickly," your mother called as soon as you walked into the house.

    "M-mom, I'm really not feeling good," you groaned, holding your stomach and contorting your face in discomfort as you lied through your teeth, "You guys take the picture without me. I have to go lie down-"

    "Nonsense," your mother snapped as she came to stand in front of you, placing her hand on your forehead, "You feel a little warm, but otherwise, you look fine. Come stand in front of the tree quickly, and then we'll leave you alone for the rest of the day."

    "Mom, I really can't, I think I'm going to be sick-"

    "(Y/N) (M/N) (L/N), you will be in this family picture. I don't know what the big deal is, but the longer you stand here arguing, the less time you'll have to rest," your mother nearly shouted. You knew how stressed she got during the holiday season, and you hated upsetting her, but you also knew how stressed she would be to find out that her daughter was a vampire.

    You took a deep breath before you did as she said, trying to think of another way to get out of the picture.

    You stood next to your sister, your arms draping lightly off of her shoulders as you tried to put enough distance between her and yourself, hoping to place yourself off camera.

    "Okay," your mother breathed as she set the camera up on the tripod, "(Y/N), scoot closer to your sister, you're out of the frame."

    "I just don't want to get her sick," you mumbled as you scooted a tiny bit closer to her.

    "(Y/N), you're still not in the frame. Get closer and pretend you love each other," your mother ordered as she focused on the screen in front of her.

    "I have to pee!" you called, moving farther away from your sister and walking towards the exit.

    "What is the problem? Why are you being so difficult this year?" your mother nearly growled as she turned to you. As she started yelling, your father walked into the room.

    "Your mother is right, (Y/N). Come get in the photo, and then you can take care of whatever other business you have," your father spoke calmly, and you knew you were going to have trouble arguing this now.

    "But I have to pee-" you began.

    "It'll just have to wait," your father spoke as he walked over to his spot on the other side of your sister.

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