Ethan Morgan x Werewolf! Reader - The New Girl's Secret Part 2

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    Before you could comprehend what was happening, you were lost in a whirlwind of fangs and claws. Both vampires pounced at you, snapping their mouths threateningly as they got closer and closer to the exposed skin of your neck.

    Even though you had heightened senses in your human form, you knew you wouldn't last long if you didn't use everything you had. So, after swiping at them and pushing them back with a throaty growl, you quickly turned into your wolf form, charging at them with your teeth bared.

    You smirked to yourself as you realized that should any human stumble upon your fight, you would be the only unrecognizable one. As long as you stayed a wolf, no one would notice that you were a supernatural creature. Sarah and Erica, on the other hand, were doomed.

    There was nothing that could stop you from winning this.

    You jumped onto Erica, quickly scratching down her cheeks, leaving angry, bright red claw marks on her otherwise perfect skin.

    After your attack, you quickly ran back, waiting to see their response. Erica merely smirked as she stared down at you, stretching her muscles out as she allowed her body to heal itself.

    The only way to win this fight would be to damage them beyond repair. While the boys may never forgive you for what you were about to do, you knew only one side was leaving this fight alive, and you weren't going to die today.

    You charged at them yet again, your teeth bared as you aimed for Erica's neck. One of the most reliable ways to kill a vampire is decapitation, so by ripping out Erica's throat, you would finish her quickly.

    However, before you could get close enough, Ethan jumped in front of you.

    You quickly closed your mouth, but there was no way to stop yourself from colliding with him. You stopped immediately, opting to simply run into him.

    But that never happened.

    Sarah rushed onto the scene, speeding across your path in order to push Ethan out of the way. Sarah was moving too fast, though, so instead of merely moving Ethan, she slammed him into the wall.

    Suddenly, the scent of sweet blood filled the air. Ethan hit his head against the cement wall, the impact so strong that it caused him to bleed.

    The worst part: Ethan wasn't waking up.

    As soon as you saw the damage, you phased back to your human form, though your eyes were still amber and your veins were still black. With the presence of vampires, you remained on edge in case you needed to transform again.

    The two vampires slowly backed away from their friend, raising their hands to their noses as they tried to ignore the tempting scent that wafted in the air. You watched them, a humorless laugh escaping your throat.

    "Of course you two would run. You caused this, and you'll leave it for me to clean up," you scoffed incredulously, "Typical."

    Benny was by your side in seconds, offering you the jacket that was tied around his waist. You thanked him with a curt nod as you pressed it to Ethan's forehead, where the blood was gushing. You took a deep breath, closing your eyes as you tried to imagine a warm, grassy field in an attempt to relax enough to enter your normal human form.

    "He has a rare blood type," Erica deadpanned as she watched Sarah like a hawk.

    "We just need to get used to it for a second," Sarah gaped, her eyes wide as she looked like she was in pain. She seemed like she had bad self-control when it came to human blood.

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